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CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Some significant events happened on December 10th. 143 years ago Wyoming gave women the right vote. 114 years ago the Spanish-American war ended, 111 years ago the first Nobel Prizes were awarded and about 15 seconds ago you started watching CNN STUDENT NEWS.




Our first story on this Monday edition of our show: every 48 minutes someone in the U.S dies in a car wreck that involved a driver who is either drunk or in some way alcohol-impaired. It works out to more than 10,000 deaths every year. Police say Jerry Brown Jr. is one of them. He was the linebacker on the Dallas Cowboys practice squad who was killed in a car crash early Saturday morning. Brown was a passenger. Police say the car he was in hit a curb, flipped and caught on fire. Officers believe alcohol was a contributing factor in the crash. Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent was behind the wheel. He`s been arrested on suspicion of intoxication- manslaughter. Brent and Brown were teammates in college, too. Brent pleaded guilty to a DUI charge in 2009 while he was in school. The charge he is facing now could lead to a $10,000 fine and a potential prison sentence of two to 20 years.


周一这期节目首先报道的是:在美国,每48分钟就有人死于与醉酒或某种酒精引发受损有关的车祸,每年造成的死亡人数超过10,000人Vu)BqXi-[8)ekY).Quy。警察称Jerry Brown Jr就是其中之一,他是达拉斯牛仔队训练小组的后卫,在上周六早晨死于一车祸中Q%1aOe|ijfKQ。Brown是名乘客cBD*4mOSpCSG;hdp。警方表示汽车蹭到了路沿,而后翻转并燃起大火iC#8Hs=t-(j!l。官员表示酒精是这起事故的罪魁祸首pXc@)|q2a;rX-cJ)。牛仔队尖峰Josh Brent要对此事件负责,他涉嫌中毒——过失杀人罪RBSR4=ih#@*bS|!|]#。Brent和Brown在大学期间就是同学Gr,LeLbN21。2009年在校期间,Brent就因醉驾指控认过罪i=]*%pD.%NjLn;7pqi)1。目前他面临10,000美元的罚款并可能被监禁2到20年-;0_m6qhneWEo=+O;


Every month the U.S government reports on the national unemployment rate and the number of jobs added or lost. For November, 146,000 jobs added. Unemployment at 7.7 percent. That`s a drop from the month before. And it`s the lowest the unemployment rate has been in nearly four years. These numbers can be a little tricky. The unemployment rate only counts people actively looking for a job. Experts say that`s the main reason the rate went down, is because some people just gave up and stopped looking. The big number to keep in mind - 12 million. That`s how many Americans were counted as unemployed in November.




The state legislature in Michigan is getting ready to vote on a right to work law. A big part of this story has to do with labor unions. Right to work laws say that workers don`t have to join unions or pay union dues. People who support these laws say they can make a state more attractive to businesses and can bring in more money for the state economy. Critics of the laws say that they make unions weaker and can keep wages lower for workers. On this map, the states in blue have a right to work law. There are 23 of those, including Indiana, which just passed its legislation this year. Poppy Harlow got the perspective from both sides of the debate over the possibility of a right to work law in Michigan.


密西根州立法机构正准备为劳动法权利投票,这很大一部分与工会有关P%IGJ~7b&_D]9nvn6MY。劳动权利法律规定,工人可以不一定要加入工会或支付会费Z0aS1Wg7B~P=|k8PZb。支持这些法律的人士表示这样可以吸引更多的商业并为本州的经济提供更多的资金+FN1Br@h;9J]F&P。批评劳动权利法的人士表示,这样导致工会变弱并可能使得工人的工资更低0++v.RrpV@Y,x=ArWf。在这张图上,蓝色区域表示具有劳动权利法律的州Qc!-vZCQn^。包括印第安纳州在内的23个这样的州今年刚刚通过了这项立法MrHbTJ4d&Vbp)。Poppy Harlow权衡双方争论决定在密歇根实行这些劳动权利法的可能性.1q-&iN|G393B]++


POPPY HARLOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A labor representative told me this legislation is anti-worker, saying that it gives workers less of a voice. What do you say to that?


CNN记者Poppy Harlow:一名劳工代表告诉我这项立法是反工人的,说它更难听到工人的声音了ZsbH2dys[%n-@hFSr&ui。元芳,你怎么看?


GOV. RICK SNYDER (R ), MICHIGAN: That`s backward. This is about being pro-worker. Again, giving workers the choice, the freedom to choose - that`s fundamental.


密歇根州州长Rick Snyder:那种说法是落后的,这项立法是支持工人的m%ll68Mcu8huSax=C;dk。它再一次给予工人选择,自由的选择——那就是根本的xwCfY((zIG(b


JON HOADLEY, WORKING MICHIGAN COALITION CAMPAIGN MANAGER: So, Governor Snyder`s legislation is anti-worker, it`s going to end up, you know, being a devastating blow to the middle class here.


密歇根州联合竞选经理Jon Hoadley:所以州长Snyder的立法是反工人,这将结束,你知道这对本地的中产阶级将是个毁灭性的打击id2jq2]ve*U69


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? The flu virus is pathogenic. Absolutely. Being pathogenic means that the virus causes or can cause disease.




AZUZ: And there`s a lot of that going around this year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For the first time in almost a decade, the CDC says flu season has arrived early. The region hardest hit so far has been the Southern U.S. You can see how flu activity is spreading on this map, and you`ll notice the first states to turn red are in the south. The CDC recommends that people protect themselves by getting a flu shot, a vaccine that helps you avoid catching the flu. But how effective is the vaccine and how can you get flu in the first place? Those are a couple of questions I recently asked CNN`s Dr. Sanjay Gupta.


AZUZ:根据美国疾病控制和预防中心调查,今年有许多那样的情况RDy1GiRwHngCu。近十年CDC首次表示流感季节已经提前到来Vrku)ZBF@do1vOHA[j3;。目前美国南部已经成了受灾最严重的地区L#3tX__pjX,=]#s[x)Y。从这张地图上,你可以看到流感活动如何传播,你将注意到首批转为红色的州发生在南部+xqYT;yNu|Qv@3y;m!。美国疾病控制和预防中心建议人们通过注射流感疫苗保护自己,这种疫苗可以帮助你感染流感4CQI#+gea4r)*9I*^F。但疫苗到底有多大效用,首先怎样会感染到病毒呢?这是我最近向Sanjay Gupta医生问的几个问题dvf0O]x0;4S


AZUZ: All right, you know, students -they are touching the same desks, the same door knobs, the same books. How easily communicated is the flu through touch?




DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Not as easily communicated as if you have direct contact with somebody, but it still can be. There are some, you know, bacteria out there that they basically when they hit the air, they die. With the flu virus, oftentimes, it can live on a surface for a period of time. So, doorknobs, for example, a big area of concern. Desks, as you mentioned. Areas where people touch their hands a lot. You got - I mean these areas need to be cleaned.


CNN记者Dr. Sanjay Gupta:没有直接和人接触那么容易传染,但还是会传染的g.rK0ebEhXQW。你知道,有些病菌暴露在空气种,它们基本上一遇到空气就会死亡byZqnX&x66ixfMrbv_k。但流感病毒,通常情况下能在一个表面上生存一段时间0@Wt|Hu)Z8n。因此,例如把手,要特别注意的地方[;GTI.)[z)u。像你提到的桌子!W!48vZXO)XRXMmgvZ。人们用手接触很多的地方9]Q4v=f3mo。你知道,我的意思是这些地方需要清洗zWag8vm19|x4Iw


AZUZ: All right. Is it simple as washing your hands to get the virus off of them?




GUPTA: Yeah, you know, it sounds almost ridiculously simple, when you put it like that. But, yeah, I mean washing your hands can basically protect you from not only transmitting it to yourself, touching your hand to your own nose, but also, you know, giving it to somebody else. It goes a long way toward doing that and the more times you wash your hands is better.




AZUZ: All right, let`s say you and I are in journalism class, and you start sneezing and saying you are not feeling well. I`m sitting right next to you. How concerned do I need to be?




GUPTA: The likelihood, still, even in the situation like that, is still low, thankfully, that you are going to get the flu. But, you know, it`s higher than if you hadn`t been exposed at all. So, you know, this is a message I think certainly for people who are sick and are potentially contagious to stay home and that`s a big thing. And also, for people, who are in those situations, to make sure they are, again, washing their hands often.




AZUZ: With what symptoms should a student stay home? Like you wake up, you are not feeling well. At what point should you say I`m not going to school?




GUPTA: Yeah, you know fever is going to be one of the things that`s going to be a hallmark, and usually when you talk about a fever above 101.3, 101.4, that area, that`s really a true fever. If you have some of the classic symptoms including sore throat, but also specifically muscle aches or something that distinguishes flu from a regular cold. You should probably stay home with both, that`s when you can tell the difference.




AZUZ: How effective is a flu shot?




GUPTA: Flu shots can be very effective, you know, there`s numbers that vary every year, but it`s in the 70 to 80 percent range, and it`s not a 100 percent, but it is - it is pretty good and really the best thing that we have.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can I.D. me. I`m an award that was first given out in the 1930s, I`m named for a former director of New York`s Downtown Athletic Club. I`m considered the most prestigious award in college football.




I`m the Heisman Trophy. And some of my most recent winners include Tim Tebow, Cam Newton and Robert Griffin III.


我就是海斯曼杯^Mrh548_13S。最近的获奖者包括Tim Tebow,Cam Newton和Robert Griffin IIIoy@T6kOm(Iu7q


AZUZ: Tebow won the Heisman as a sophomore. Newton and Griffin were both juniors, and a lot of seniors have won it over the years. Now, if we were doing the story last Friday, we would have said that no freshman had ever won the Heisman Trophy. Then, this guy came along. Johnny Manziel, quarterback for Texas A&M University and this year`s Heisman Trophy winner. He is the first freshman ever to win the award. Manziel, whose nickname Johnny Football, took home the trophy Saturday night. He passed and ran for a combined 43 touchdowns this season and accounted for 4600 yards of total offense. That is the southeastern conference record.


AZUZ:Tebow在二年级获得海斯曼杯奖06NVbNq=|k。Newton和Griffin都是在三年级时获得,许多四年级学生历年都获得过)6#9*Y|d;(7Q。现在,如果上周五我们谈到这件事,我们会说没有新生曾经赢得过海斯曼奖杯4UJ#ehEjLC。然后,这个家伙来了R)ABGS(6DCez&N。德克萨斯A&M大学四分卫Johnny Manziel,今年海斯曼奖杯的得主,有史以来第一个赢该奖项的新生bVTtsbu(FQ7zl9。Manziel,绰号“约翰尼足球"周六晚上将奖杯抱回了家=UP|+JH.ZWSdU。本赛季他总共有43次触地得分,总进攻达4600次wo%,Wi!TtvUmV。这是东南会议的记录^Jd4t-4xkjx;49(


Next up, the python challenge. It runs January 12th through February 10th in Florida`s Everglades National Park. Grand Prize is $1500. All you`ve got to do is find these snakes and kill them. Florida wildlife officials say they`re turning to the public for help because they don`t have a good strategy for the python problem. The contest, which is real, involves an online safety training course. Organizers suggest some human ways to deal with the snakes. They also say the contest isn`t just about killing snakes, they also want to educate people on how the python is affecting Florida. Now, John Zarrella explains exactly what kinds of problems these snakes are causing, and how they got there in the first place.




JOHN ZARELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In his laboratory Skip Snow keeps in plastic bags what you could call "the kill:" alligator claws, the hoof of a deer, a great blue heron, all found in the stomachs of captured Burmese python.


CNN记者John:在Skip Snow的实验室里放在塑料袋里的你可以称为"被杀死的受害者":鳄鱼爪,一只鹿的蹄子,一只大蓝鹭,所有的这些事在捕获到的巨蟒的胃中发现-JCOalWYuDok1=]3


SKIP SNOW, EVERGLADES NATL. PARK BIOLOGIST: And it may take us a long time, years, if not decades, before we fully understand what the nature of the impacts of Burmese pythons are in the south Florida.


大沼泽国家公园生物学家Skip Snow:这可能需要我们很长的时间,数年,如果不是数十年的话,我们才能完全了解缅甸蟒蛇南佛罗里达造成的影响0%C~9+9*@~3n&h


ZARRELLA: What`s already clear is that some Everglade species are disappearing, and disappearing quickly.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Raccoons were such a problem that we actually had to put a policy in place to try to manage them.




ZARRELLA: No policy needed now. A study shows pythons, which simply aren`t supposed to be here, are likely responsible for nearly wiping out several creatures. There may be as many as 100,000 pythons slithering through the Glades. How did they get here? Bought as pets, when they got too big, owners got rid of them.




No one would have guessed just a decade ago, snakes in this river of grass might upset the balance of nature here forever. John Zarrella, CNN, Everglades National Park.




AZUZ: We are going to be honest: today`s Before We Go segment may not pass the sniff test, but it depends on how hungry you are. That`s a bottle of perfume, and yes, you are reading that right - it`s made by Pizza Hut. Smells like it, too, supposedly. Piquant pepperoni, malodorous mushroom. Mostly just smells like a dab of dough. The company is making a limited supply, free bottles for around 100 people. If they decided to make more, they`ll probably just manufacture it down at the old factory. You may think oh, the pizza sounds odious, or you may think this perfume idea makes sense -- who knows for sure. If it becomes a big seller, everyone`s is going to want a piece of that pie. For CNN STUDENT NEWS, I`m Carl Azuz, have a great day.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

anchor ['æŋkə]


n. 锚,锚状物,依靠,新闻节目主播,压阵队员

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

segment ['segmənt]


n. 部份,瓣,弓形
vt. 分割

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]


n. (复数)细菌

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

perspective [pə'spektiv]


n. 远景,看法,透视
adj. 透视的

devastating ['devəsteitiŋ]


adj. 毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握


关键字: 新闻 视频 每日




