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2014年小升初英语备考每日一练 第35天

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  1. Selling and buying things means b_____.
  2. If you are c_____ enough, you'll make fewer mistakes next time.
  3. Peter was very good at football, so he was c_____ in the school team.
  4. Paper catches fire e_____.
  5. We go to school to get k_____ about many different things.

  Selina, Hebe and Ella are three pretty young Taiwanese singing girls. Their new album "Magical Journey" can be heard all the way to Beijing's Great Hall of the People. The three singing angels are regarded as the most popular pop group in Taiwan and Hong Kong, However, when they entered a singing competition in Taiwan in 2000, none of them even dreamed of being a superstar. Ella and Hebe were only expecting the 10,000 yuan prize, while Selina was encouraged by her younger sister, who was then too young to take part.
  "We had never met before, and we didn't talk at all at the beginning," said Ella with a smile. "Then we were put together in a room, eating and sleeping together. And we soon found we had a lot that was similar to each other and could enjoy everything. "
  The three are getting on so well that they each believe it was God that let them become friends and form a three-in-one band. They even named their band "S. H. E. ", which comes from the first letters of their English names.
  Selina is a shy attractive girl. Hebe, the youngest of the three, is confident and always comes up with new ideas. Bright and encouraging, Ella is regarded as the head of the band. Even when she was off because of the pain in her back last summer, she till remembered to phone the other two and push them to move on.
  When asked about the secret to their success, the boyish Ella said, "The not-so-pretty faces and not-so-expensive dresses keep us close to our fans. We are happy to be the girls next door, your singing sisters."
  It's really a magical journey, from day-dreaming high school girls to well-known singers. Nothing but magical indeed.
  1. The first paragraph mainly tells us the three girls'_____.
  A. today and yesterday B. new album C. hometown
  2. The three girls became famous after _____.
  A. their new album " Magical Journey" was made
  B. they came to sing in Beijing's Great Hall of the People
  C. they won the prize in the singing competition in Taiwan in 2000
  3. They name their band "S. H. E." because _____.
  A. they love their English names
  B. it shows its members are all girls .
  C. they believe that each of them is quite important to their band
  4. What is the secret to their success?
  A. Keeping themselves close to their fans.
  B. Their pretty faces and nice dresses.
  C. Their next door sister's help.
  5. Which of the following is true?
  A. The three girls are not pretty and their dresses are poor.
  B. The album "Magical Journey" may have something to do with their experience.
  C. Of the three girls Ella is the youngest and the most encouraging.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的





