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双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第7章 Part 2

来源:英文小说网 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Joey B., Sir,'the Major would say, with a flourish of his walking-stick, 'is worth a dozen of you. If you had a few more of the Bagstock breed among you, Sir, you'd be none the worse for it. Old Joe, Sir, needn't look far for a wile even now, if he was on the look-out; but he's hard-hearted, Sir, is Joe - he's tough, Sir, tough, and de-vilish sly!' After such a declaration, wheezing sounds would be heard; and the Major's blue would deepen into purple, while his eyes strained and started convulsively.

Notwithstanding his very liberal laudation of himself, however, the Major was selfish. It may be doubted whether there ever was a more entirely selfish person at heart; or at stomach is perhaps a better expression, seeing that he was more decidedly endowed with that latter organ than with the former. He had no idea of being overlooked or slighted by anybody; least of all, had he the remotest comprehension of being overlooked and slighted by Miss Tox.
And yet, Miss Tox, as it appeared, forgot him - gradually forgot him. She began to forget him soon after her discovery of the Toodle family. She continued to forget him up to the time of the christening. She went on forgetting him with compound interest after that. Something or somebody had superseded him as a source of interest.
'Good morning, Ma'am,' said the Major, meeting Miss Tox in Princess's Place, some weeks after the changes chronicled in the last chapter.
'Good morning, Sir,' said Miss Tox; very coldly.
'Joe Bagstock, Ma'am,' observed the Major, with his usual gallantry, 'has not had the happiness of bowing to you at your window, for a considerable period. Joe has been hardly used, Ma'am. His sun has been behind a cloud.'
“夫人,”少校以他通常的殷勤态度说道,“乔•白格斯托克少校已有好长的一段时间未能有幸在您的窗口向您向候致意了。夫人,乔受到了苛刻的对待。他的太阳已经躲藏到一朵云的后面 去了。”
Miss Tox inclined her head; but very coldly indeed.
'Joe's luminary has been out of town, Ma'am, perhaps,' inquired the Major.
'I ? out of town ? oh no, I have not been out of town,' said Miss Tox. 'I have been much engaged lately. My time is nearly all devoted to some very intimate friends. I am afraid I have none to spare, even now. Good morning, Sir!'

注释:1. stomach n. 胃;腹部;胃口 vt. 忍受;吃下 vi. 忍受 词组: empty stomach 空腹 stomach cancer 胃癌 stomach trouble 胃病 upset stomach 肚子痛 on an empty stomach 空腹服用;空腹时 stomach pain 胃痛 stomach ache 胃疼 butterflies in my stomach 七上八下;心里紧张 stomach upset n. 肠胃不适,消化不良 on a full stomach 饱食后 例句: (1). I can hear my stomach roaring. 我能听到自己的胃在叫。 (2). The knife penetrated his stomach. 刀子刺进他的胃部。 (3). As you breathe in, push your stomach forwards. 当你吸气时,让腹部向前扩展。 (4). Well, this custom may be great for the stomach. 嗯,这种习惯对胃来说可能很棒。

2. devote vt. 致力于;奉献 [ 过去式devoted 过去分词devoted 现在分词devoting ] 词组: devote to把……专用;将……奉献给;投身于;奉献 devote to奉献 Should Devote应当投入 devote… to贡献给 例句: (1).If he wants to make a difference in the year he has in charge he should devote himself to two policies. 如果他想在自己执政的一年时间中有所作为,乔纳森应该专注于两大方针。 (2). If we stopped agonising over small choices we could devote more energy to the really big decisions in life. 如果我们不为细小的选择而烦恼,我们就能把更多的精力用于生活中的重大决定上。 (3). For every person who seeks to hurt, there are many, many more who devote their lives to helping and to healing. 对每个人所感受到的痛心,在生命中有很多,很多对别人的帮助和康复。 (4). These birds devote most of their energy to finding food and raising their young, instead of wasting it on courtship. 这些鸟把他们大多数的精力花在寻找食物以及抚育下一代而不是求爱上。 (5). Not me. After I graduate I want to find a part–time job so I can devote most of my time to writing and playing music. 这可不是我啊。我想我会在毕业之后找一份兼职,让我可以花大部分的时间去作曲、玩音乐。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
liberal ['libərəl]


adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自

healing ['hi:liŋ]


n. 康复,复原 adj. 有治疗功用的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

considerable [kən'sidərəbl]


adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的

intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]


adj. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的
n. 密友<

gallantry ['gæləntri]


n. 勇敢,英勇,殷勤

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

luminary ['lu:minəri]


n. 杰出人物,名人,发光体 adj. 杰出的

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

declaration [.deklə'reiʃən]


n. 宣布,宣言


关键字: 双语小说 董贝父子




