'Louisa!' said Mr Dombey. 'It is not necessary to prolong these observations. The woman is discharged and paid. You leave this house, Richards, for taking my son - my son,' said Mr Dombey, emphatically repeating these two words, 'into haunts and into society which are not to be thought of without a shudder. As to the accident which befel Miss Florence this morning, I regard that as, in one great sense, a happy and fortunate circumstance; inasmuch as, but for that occurrence, I never could have known - and from your own lips too - of what you had been guilty. I think, Louisa, the other nurse, the young person,' here Miss Nipper sobbed aloud, 'being so much younger, and necessarily influenced by Paul's nurse, may remain. Have the goodness to direct that this woman's coach is paid to' - Mr Dombey stopped and winced - 'to Staggs's Gardens.'
Polly moved towards the door, with Florence holding to her dress, and crying to her in the most pathetic manner not to go away. It was a dagger in the haughty father's heart, an arrow in his brain, to see how the flesh and blood he could not disown clung to this obscure stranger, and he sitting by. Not that he cared to whom his daughter turned, or from whom turned away. The swift sharp agony struck through him, as he thought of what his son might do.
His son cried lustily that night, at all events. Sooth to say, poor Paul had better reason for his tears than sons of that age often have, for he had lost his second mother - his first, so far as he knew - by a stroke as sudden as that natural affliction which had darkened the beginning of his life. At the same blow, his sister too, who cried herself to sleep so mournfully, had lost as good and true a friend. But that is quite beside the question. Let us waste no words about it.
不管怎么样,反正他的儿子那天夜里拼命地大哭。老实说,可怜的保罗跟像他这样年龄的其他儿子们相比更有理由伤心落泪,因为他已失 去第二个母亲了——就他所知道的来说,这是他的第一个母亲——;这次起因于一次意外事故的打击,跟那次曾在他的生命的开端笼罩上黑暗的天然的苦难同样突如其来地降临。在同样的打击下,她的姐姐也失去了一位善良的、真诚的朋友;她很哀伤地哭着,一直哭到睡去为止。但这是离开本题的事情了,让我们不要为它浪费笔墨。
Miss Tox inhabited a dark little house that had been squeezed, at some remote period of English History, into a fashionable neighbourhood at the west end of the town, where it stood in the shade like a poor relation of the great street round the corner, coldly looked down upon by mighty mansions. It was not exactly in a court, and it was not exactly in a yard; but it was in the dullest of No-Thoroughfares, rendered anxious and haggard by distant double knocks. The name of this retirement, where grass grew between the chinks in the stone pavement, was Princess's Place; and in Princess's Place was Princess's Chapel, with a tinkling bell, where sometimes as many as five-and-twenty people attended service on a Sunday. The Princess's Arms was also there, and much resorted to by splendid footmen. A sedan chair was kept inside the railing before the Princess's Arms, but it had never come out within the memory of man; and on fine mornings, the top of every rail (there were eight-and-forty, as Miss Tox had often counted) was decorated with a pewter-pot.
托克斯小姐居住在一座黑暗的小房屋里,这座房屋在英国历史中某一个遥远的时期被挤进这个城市西端的一个豪华的地区。它在那里像一个穷亲戚一样,座落在从拐角通出去的那条大街的阴影之中,被一座座宏伟的邸宅冷漠地藐视着。它实际上不是在一个院子里,也不是在一个围场中,而是在通衢大道之外的一个最萧条的地方,远处传来接二连三的敲门声都会使这里胆战心惊,惶惶不安。这个偏僻的地方称为公主广场,它的铺石路缝中长出了青草;在公主广场中有一个小的公主教堂,钟声从那里当当地传出;星期天到那里 去参加祈祷仪式的有时达二十五人之多。那里还有公主纹章,优秀的步兵常去参观。在公主纹章前面的围栏内放着一顶轿子,可是据人们记忆,从来没有被抬出到外面来过;在天气晴朗的上午,在围栏上面每一条横木的顶上摆着一个白镴壶,作为装饰;横木总共四十八条,因为托克斯小姐常常数它们。
注释:1. circumstance n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇
in the circumstances 在这种情况下;既然这样
under the circumstance 在这种情况下
in no circumstances 决不
under no circumstance 在任何情况下都不
(1). Circumstance is life; culture is soul.
(2). A few exceptional men might rise above circumstance .
(3). It was a disheartening circumstance, but a melancholy fact.
(4). In any circumstance where light is being absorbed, there is a pressure.
(5). After he explains the circumstance , we have just known why he does not go.
2. decorate vt. 装饰;布置;授勋给
vi. 装饰;布置
[ 过去式decorated 过去分词decorated 现在分词decorating ]
decorate with 以…来装饰
decorate the house 装饰房间
(1). My mother likes to decorate rooms .
(2). It took us much time to decorate it.
(3). Can you help me decorate this house?
(4). So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.
(5). Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain.
(6). Have you decided how you're going to decorate your room?
(7). Decorate with these and they will be sure to lift your mood.