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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
'That noise?'“那?”
'Ah Heaven, be quiet, cursed brigand!' to a horse who shook his bells 'What noise?'“啊,老天爷,安静点,你这可恶的土匪!”他对一匹摇着铃铛的马说道,”什么?”
'Behind. Is it not another carriage at a gallop? There! what's that?' Miscreant with a Pig's head, stand still!' to another horse, who bit another, who frightened the other two, who plunged and backed. 'There is nothing coming.'“后面。是不是另外一辆马车正飞奔过来?那里!那是什么,听到了吗?”“你这长得跟猪头一样的恶棍!安安静静站着!”他对另一匹马说道;这一匹马咬了另一匹马,那一匹马又惊吓了另外两匹;它们向前猛冲过去,然后又倒退回来。“没有什么往这边来。”
'No, nothing but the day yonder.'“没有什么,只是天快亮了。”
'You are right, I think. I hear nothing now, indeed. Go on!'“我想您说得不错。真的,我现在什么也没听到了。继续赶路吧!”
The entangled equipage, half hidden in the reeking cloud from the horses, goes on slowly at first, for the driver, checked unnecessarily in his progress, sulkily takes out a pocket-knife, and puts a new lash to his whip. Then 'Hallo, whoop! Hallo, hi!' Away once more, savagely.在马身上散发出的烟雾腾腾的热气之中半隐半现的马车开始慢吞吞地前进;马车夫因为在前进道路中被不必要地阻留了好些时间,不高兴地从衣袋中取出一把小刀,在鞭子上装上一条新的皮条。然后”嗨!嗬!嗨!嘿!”,又一次狂野地飞跑起来。
And now the stars faded, and the day glimmered, and standing in the carriage, looking back, he could discern the track by which he had come, and see that there was no traveller within view, on all the heavy expanse. And soon it was broad day, and the sun began to shine on cornfields and vineyards; and solitary labourers, risen from little temporary huts by heaps of stones upon the road, were, here and there, at work repairing the highway, or eating bread. By and by, there were peasants going to their daily labour, or to market, or lounging at the doors of poor cottages, gazing idly at him as he passed. And then there was a postyard, ankle-deep in mud, with steaming dunghills and vast outhouses half ruined; and looking on this dainty prospect, an immense, old, shadeless, glaring, stone chateau, with half its windows blinded, and green damp crawling lazily over it, from the balustraded terrace to the taper tips of the extinguishers upon the turrets.这时星星暗淡,晨光熹微,他站在马车中,回头看,可以分辨出他所走过的道路,并注意到在辽阔的原野上看不见一个赶路的人。不久天大亮了,太阳照亮了麦田和葡萄园。从路旁石头堆边临时性工棚里出来的一个个工人正在这里那里修着公路或吃着面包。不久农民们出来干活或赶市集,或懒洋洋地靠在破旧的茅舍门边,悠闲地注视着他从旁经过。然后他看到一个驿站,前面是深及踝骨的泥浆,四周是冒着热气的粪堆和很大的半毁坏的房屋;面对着这个优雅的景色的是一座巨大的、古老的石头城堡,它没有树木遮荫,发出耀眼的光,有一半窗子已遮上窗帘,绿色的霉懒散地在城堡上面蔓延,从围了栏杆的阳台一直扩展到塔楼上灭火器的锥形尖端。
Gathered up moodily in a corner of the carriage, and only intent on going fast - except when he stood up, for a mile together, and looked back; which he would do whenever there was a piece of open country - he went on, still postponing thought indefinitely, and still always tormented with thinking to no purpose.他郁郁不乐地蜷缩在马车的一个角落里,一心只盼望着车子快快地跑;只有当周围是一片空旷的田野的时候,他才会站起来,站上整整一英里的路程,并往后看;--他就这样往前赶着路,依旧把那些思想暂时搁置起来,往后推到将来一个不确定的时候,同时依旧常常被那些没有目的的思想苦恼着。
Shame, disappointment, and discomfiture gnawed at his heart; a constant apprehension of being overtaken, or met - for he was groundlessly afraid even of travellers, who came towards him by the way he was going - oppressed him heavily. The same intolerable awe and dread that had come upon him in the night, returned unweakened in the day. The monotonous ringing of the bells and tramping of the horses; the monotony of his anxiety, and useless rage; the monotonous wheel of fear, regret, and passion, he kept turning round and round; made the journey like a vision, in which nothing was quite real but his own torment.羞耻、失望与失败折磨着他的心。他不断担心被追赶上或被碰见(因为他毫无根据地甚至连对面路上朝他走过来的行人都害怕),因此心情十分沉重。夜间,他感到难以忍受的畏惧和忧愁,到了白天它们又毫不减弱地重新返回。单调的铃铛声和马蹄声,他那毫无变化的焦急和无益的愤怒,周而复始的害怕、懊悔与痛苦,这一切他觉得这次旅行像是个梦幻,在这梦幻中,除了他自己的痛苦外,没有什么是真实的。
It was a vision of long roads, that stretched away to an horizon, always receding and never gained; of ill-paved towns, up hill and down, where faces came to dark doors and ill-glazed windows, and where rows of mudbespattered cows and oxen were tied up for sale in the long narrow streets, butting and lowing, and receiving blows on their blunt heads from bludgeons that might have beaten them in; of bridges, crosses, churches, postyards, new horses being put in against their wills, and the horses of the last stage reeking, panting, and laying their drooping heads together dolefully at stable doors; of little cemeteries with black crosses settled sideways in the graves, and withered wreaths upon them dropping away; again of long, long roads, dragging themselves out, up hill and down, to the treacherous horizon.这是一个梦幻,在这梦幻中有一条漫长的道路,它伸向一直不断向后退、永远也不能到达的地平线;在这梦幻中有路面铺砌得很坏的城镇,在丘陵上面和下面都有;人们从黑暗的门户与没有擦亮的窗子中露出脸来;身上溅满污泥的母牛和公牛一行行地系在那里等待出卖;它们相互用头角顶撞着,哞哞地叫着;有时它们迟钝的头遭到大头棒的敲打,那是可以把头打破的;在这梦幻中,有桥梁、十字架、教堂、驿站;新的马正很不愿意地开始从事艰苦的劳役;最后一个驿站的马身上冒着热气,嘴里喘着气,正低垂着头,忧郁地站在马厩门边;在这梦幻中,有小小的墓地,坟墓上的黑十字架东倒西歪,坟上枯萎的花圈愈来愈少了;然后在这梦幻中又是漫长的、漫长的道路,伸延到山上和山下,一直伸向变化莫测的地平线。
'That noise?'
'Ah Heaven, be quiet, cursed brigand!' to a horse who shook his bells 'What noise?'
'Behind. Is it not another carriage at a gallop? There! what's that?' Miscreant with a Pig's head, stand still!' to another horse, who bit another, who frightened the other two, who plunged and backed. 'There is nothing coming.'
'No, nothing but the day yonder.'
'You are right, I think. I hear nothing now, indeed. Go on!'
The entangled equipage, half hidden in the reeking cloud from the horses, goes on slowly at first, for the driver, checked unnecessarily in his progress, sulkily takes out a pocket-knife, and puts a new lash to his whip. Then 'Hallo, whoop! Hallo, hi!' Away once more, savagely.
And now the stars faded, and the day glimmered, and standing in the carriage, looking back, he could discern the track by which he had come, and see that there was no traveller within view, on all the heavy expanse. And soon it was broad day, and the sun began to shine on cornfields and vineyards; and solitary labourers, risen from little temporary huts by heaps of stones upon the road, were, here and there, at work repairing the highway, or eating bread. By and by, there were peasants going to their daily labour, or to market, or lounging at the doors of poor cottages, gazing idly at him as he passed. And then there was a postyard, ankle-deep in mud, with steaming dunghills and vast outhouses half ruined; and looking on this dainty prospect, an immense, old, shadeless, glaring, stone chateau, with half its windows blinded, and green damp crawling lazily over it, from the balustraded terrace to the taper tips of the extinguishers upon the turrets.
Gathered up moodily in a corner of the carriage, and only intent on going fast - except when he stood up, for a mile together, and looked back; which he would do whenever there was a piece of open country - he went on, still postponing thought indefinitely, and still always tormented with thinking to no purpose.
Shame, disappointment, and discomfiture gnawed at his heart; a constant apprehension of being overtaken, or met - for he was groundlessly afraid even of travellers, who came towards him by the way he was going - oppressed him heavily. The same intolerable awe and dread that had come upon him in the night, returned unweakened in the day. The monotonous ringing of the bells and tramping of the horses; the monotony of his anxiety, and useless rage; the monotonous wheel of fear, regret, and passion, he kept turning round and round; made the journey like a vision, in which nothing was quite real but his own torment.
It was a vision of long roads, that stretched away to an horizon, always receding and never gained; of ill-paved towns, up hill and down, where faces came to dark doors and ill-glazed windows, and where rows of mudbespattered cows and oxen were tied up for sale in the long narrow streets, butting and lowing, and receiving blows on their blunt heads from bludgeons that might have beaten them in; of bridges, crosses, churches, postyards, new horses being put in against their wills, and the horses of the last stage reeking, panting, and laying their drooping heads together dolefully at stable doors; of little cemeteries with black crosses settled sideways in the graves, and withered wreaths upon them dropping away; again of long, long roads, dragging themselves out, up hill and down, to the treacherous horizon.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
discern [di'zə:n]


v. 辨别,看清楚

dread [dred]


n. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事
adj. 可怕

treacherous ['tretʃərəs]


adj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

wheel [wi:l]


n. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

miscreant ['miskriənt]


adj. 极恶的,协道的,异端的 n. 罪大恶极的人,恶

constant ['kɔnstənt]


adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量

awe [ɔ:]


n. 敬畏,恐惧
vt. 使敬畏或惊惧





