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美国小学英语教材4:第27课 你能帮助你的祖国

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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You Can Help Your Country

Did you read the name of this Part? What is it? Do you know what the word "citizen" means? It means "a person who lives in a country and belongs to it". So, you are a citizen of the United States of America. It is your country. It protects you and gives you many things to make you happy. But your country cannot be great and free and happy unless its boys and girls do their part. Perhaps you think you have to wait until you are grown up before you can help your country. But this is not true.


When you play games hard and fairly, study your lessons faithfully, and help about the home cheerfully, you are doing your part as an American citizen. You are doing your everyday jobs just as well as you can, and that is what your country needs of you.

Now our Book Comrade will tell you some stories of boys and girls,true citizens. You will first be taken far back to the days when our country was young. Here your Book Comrade will tell you of brave Anne Randolph, of unselfish Sally, and of quickthinking Jonathan Bartlett.
Then your Book Comrade will bring you down to our own times. Perhaps you will want to have a Good Citizen club. Read these stories to see if you would want some of these people to belong to your club.




