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时间:2009-5-12 12:00:53  来源:可可英语  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:听力原文
第 2 页:词汇解释


The Chinese mainland has reported its first suspected case of A/H1N1 flu, in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

The Ministry of Health says the 30 year-old man suspected of carrying the virus had returned to Beijing from the United States via Tokyo on Saturday afternoon, on flight NW-029. He then flew from Beijing to Chengdu on flight U8882 the same day. The patient is receiving treatment at a local Infectious Disease Hospital and is in a stable condition.

The local government told a press conference early on Monday that more than 130 of the 150 passengers aboard flight U8882 have been found and put into quarantine. A team of experts sent by the Ministry of Health has arrived in Chengdu to help control and prevention work. The local health department is asking anyone who had close contact with the patient to undergo observation and possible quarantine.

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