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时间:2006-6-20 23:04:03  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Unit Eight

  义 Everyday Expressions
Children enter school at the age of six, don’t they?
the Stone Age/the space age/in the age of Shakespeare (石器时代/太空时代/莎士比亚时期)
Her son’s accident aged her quite noticeably. (她儿子的事故使她明显地衰老了。)
生活用语 Street Talks
   A: I want that teddy bear. It’s lovely. (玩具熊)
B: Simba, you’re 29 years old. Act your age. Don’t be such
    a baby.
A: There’s one seat here. You take it, Tom.
B: No, no, no, please. Age before beauty, professor. (老人优先)
A: Oops, sorry I’m late, Jean.
B: So you’re finally here, David? I waited (for) ages, you know? (很久了)
A: Come on, let me make up for it.
We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age. (那个年纪)
At my age, you can’t do such reckless things.
It has been ages since I saw him last time.

At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.
   One is as old as one’s heart.

  义 Everyday Expressions
I have gotten no answer from him (to my email).
I have no ready answer to the question.( 我没有现成的答案。)
I’ll give you an answer after mature consideration.( 我考虑成熟后再给你答复。)
Why didn’t you answer me?
answer sb’s needs/requiements
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Excuse me for a minute—I must answer the call of
nature before we leave. (上厕所)
B: Me too. Let’s go together.
A: Did you call Tom last night?
B: Yeah, I called but nobody answered. I’ll try again later.
How come you didn’t answer the door, Bill?
He thinks he has all the answers. (什么都懂)
If you come home late, do you have to answer to your wife?
Robert, I can lend you my car, but you’re gonna answer to me if you wreck it.
I need an answer by tomorrow morning. (明早之前,给我答复。)

A soft answer turns away wrath.
Answer a fool according to his folly.
义 Everyday Expressions
He always carries his child in his arms.
The United States armed itself in preparation for the war. (美国已武装起来,准备打仗。)
生活用语Street Talks
A: Jack and Rose had quite a quarrel last night.
B: Well they must have made up, because I just saw them walking along the river arm in arm.
A: Wow, Jean. What a cute car you’ve got!
B: Oh yeah, it cost me an arm and a leg. (一大笔钱)
A: Which of your arms is sore?
B: The right one, mama.
A: Put this medicine on your arm every four hours.
My mother is an unhappy woman. She keeps everybody at an
arm’s length. (保持距离)

???? 谚语 Proverbs
Justice have long arms.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He lay on his back for three months. (他已卧床三个月了。)
Mary backed her car a little into the parking space. (玛利把车倒出一点儿并驶入停车位。)
The bank refused to back the plan.
The kids entered through the back door.
I’ll be back in a minute.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Tom, it’s 11:00 pm now. Where is your graduate thesis? It’s supposed to be handed in tomorrow morning.
B: Yeah,yeah, please Jean! I know the deadline is tomorrow, but if you don’ t get off my back, I’ll never get it done. (让我安静一会儿)
A: You know Jerry, I busted him up something terrible yesterday. (臭揍一顿)
B: Well, you’d better watch your step, ‘cause he’ll get backat you someday. (报复)
A: Move on VV, I’ll always be here backing you up!
B: You’re so sweet Fredy! Thanks.
I need you to back me up on this.
Back up, buddy! You’re asking for trouble! (别那么挑剔)
We lay on our backs under the tree.
I’ve got a pain in my back.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The wind blew the ship toward the island.
Kids blow trumpets.
It was blowing hard.
The red flag was blowing in the wind.
I like to hear a siren blowing.
Father struck me a blow on the ass.
The bad news was a blow to Ann.
生活用语Street Talks

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