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   英语听力小窍门 | 测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2006-6-20 23:04:03  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
ircles there is talk of war.
Circle around, everyone! I have something important to
tell you! (快过来,围成圈)
There was a chopper circling above us in the sky.
We should really quit talking in circles.
A: It’s really cold outside.
B: Come over here, boy! Let’s sit in a circle around the fire.

Circles, though small, are yet complete.
Every man is the center of a circle whose circumference
he cannot pass.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He is first in English in his class.
ruling class/the upper class/the middle class/the lower class(统治阶级/上层阶级/中层阶级/下层阶级)
He is a top-class actor.
Do you enjoy the computer class in New Oriental school?
It may be conveniently classed under A, B, and C.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Your helping out that old woman was a class act.
B: No, it’s nothing special. Age before Beauty.
A: Hey, man. Look over there!
B: At what?
A: There! Victoria is coming to her car.
B: Wow, such a classis-classis I’ve never seen.
A: Please! John.
A: Is it time to begin class?
B: Yes sir.
Her answer to that angry guest was a classy way to handle the
situation. (高雅的方式)


  义 Everyday Expressions
Large, black clouds signaled a coming storm.
Steven sat on the bench, while clouds of black despair settled
over him.
A cloud of insects fly into the bathroom.
The sky is covered in dark clouds.
When Jerry heard the news of his wife’s accident, his face
clouded over.
生活用语Street Talks
A: What’s up with Sally? She’s on cloud nine! (高兴的坐不住)
B: Well, her favorite rock star spoke to her!
A: That explains it! I hope she’s not floating in the clouds. (想入非非)
A: What’s wrong?
B: My mind feels all cloudy after getting hit on the head.
A: When was your first kiss, Sam?
B: Well my memory is a little cloudy. Let me think a sec, uh…
Oh I got it. It’s 5.
When did I come? It’s a little cloudy. Let me think a minute.
The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt
Get your head out of the clouds and get down to work! (别做白日梦了)

Black clouds thunder a great deal, but rain little.


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