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2009年12月英语六级考试改错练习 第1期

来源:可可英语 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  1.A majority of the reports received from people claiming

  to have seen the lengendaiy Loch Ness monster have

  proven to be mistakes, misconceptions, or tricked. ___________

  2. Your semester grade is based not only on how well you

  do on each test, but also how you participate in class. ___________

  3. Modern sience was born when Galileo began trying to explain

  how things happen and thus originating the method of controlled __________

  experiment which now forms the basis of scientific investigation

  4. Restrict your self to one or two pages, and listing ___________

  any publications or referees on a separate sheet.

  5. The House proposal would have barred the federal

  government from demanding library records, read lists, __________

  book customer lists and other material in terrorism and

  intelligence investigations.


  The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist

  With a gun, than the man with the portable computer in business class. 1._____

  In the last 15 years, pilots report well over 100 incidents tha could 2. _____

  have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The source of this

  interference remains confirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the 3._____

  blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and 4. _____

  cassette players and mobile telephones.

  RTCA, an organization advertises the aviation industry, has 5. ______

  recommended that the airline bans such devices from 6.______

  used during “critical” stages of lignt, particularly take-off and landing. 7._______

  Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights.

  Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines.

  And although some airlines prohibit passengers from using such equipment

  during take-off and landing, most are willing to enforce a total ban, given 8. ______

  that many pasengers want to work during flights.

  The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields may affect an

  aircraft’s computers. Experts know that portable devices emit radiation

  which affect those wavelength which craft use for navigation and 9.______

  communication. But , because they have not been able to reproduce

  these effects in a laboratory, they have no way of knowing

  whether the interference might be danger or not. 10.______





