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1.Stella Maris College Rugby Team
1.Stella Maris大学“老基督徒”橄榄球队

On October 13, 1972 the team was on its way from Montevideo, Uruguay to play a match in Santiago Chile. Fierce wind and snow hounded the flight as the plane trekked through the Andes mountains. Due to poor weather and pilot error the plane crashed atop of an unnamed mountain on the border of Chile and Argentina. Search parties from three countries searched for 11 days in vain to find the downed flight of 45 people but were unsuccessful and all passengers were presumed dead. What followed next is one of the greatest examples of human survival ever recorded. Despite no food or heat 16 members of the team stayed on top of the mountain for over two months through the brutal winter while being forced to eat the remains of their fallen teammates before finally being rescued.
1972 年10月13日“老基督徒”橄榄球队从乌拉圭蒙特维多出发赴智利圣地亚哥参赛。飞机行至安第斯山脉上空时遭遇强风和降雪。恶劣的天气和驾驶员操控失误导致飞机坠毁于智利和阿根廷边界某座无名山峰,45名乘客全部失踪。来自三个国家的搜索队在山间徒劳搜寻了11天,而后所有乘客被推定为死亡。接下来发生了人类生存史上最伟大的奇迹。在没有食物和热源的情况下球队16名成员在严冬中的山顶坚持了两个月,其间不得不靠吃罹难同伴的肉生存,直到救援队的最终来临。


The Maori People

The Maori were the first settlers of New Zealand - arriving many centuries before Europeans. Their culture dates back to the early modern era. They had been known to practice cannibalism during warfare. In October 1809 a European convict ship was attacked by a large group of Maori warriors in revenge for the mistreatment of a chief’s son. The Maori killed most of the 66 people on board and carried dead and alive victims off the boat and back to shore to be eaten. A few lucky survivors who were able to find a hiding spot inside the mast of the boat were horrified as they watched the Maori devour their shipmates through the night until the next morning.





