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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第一节:冲锋陷阵的继续
时间:2007-9-3 23:29:46  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

11. …be going well. ……很顺利。
Everything is going well.
【Kim’s Note】Be careful with this sentence! Most bosses know it’s a big lie! If you use this sentence be sure to have at least one detail ready to back up your story!

12. believe in … 信仰……
I don’t believe in ghosts.

13. By the time… 到……时候
By the time we got to the movie theater the film had already started.

14. Can I remind you to… 我想提醒你……
Can I remind you to call me at 7 tomorrow morning?

15. can’t afford to… 无法承受……
We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we sold it.
【Kim’s Note】Some guys always complain about what they can’t afford, if this describes you, you’d better learn English quickly and get a better job.

16. can’t agree…more 完全同意……
I couldn’t agree with you more.

17. Do you approve of…? 你赞成/同意……吗?
Do you approve of the new manager?

18. Do you have…? 你有……吗?
Do you have anything to say?

19. Do you know how to…? 你会……吗?
Do you know how to cook?

20. Do you recall…? 你记得……吗?
Do you recall the name of the book?

21. enough…to… 足够做……
I haven’t got enough money to go on vacation.
I don’t have enough time to waste talking to you!

22. get something done. 叫别人做某事。
When are you going to get the roof repaired?

23. have difficulty in… 在……方面有困难。
People often have great difficulty in reading my writing.

24. have never…before. 从来没有……
He has never driven a car before.

25. haven’t…for a long time. 好久没有……
We haven’t seen each other for a long time.

26. haven’t…so far. 目前为止还没有……
We haven’t had any problem so far.
【Kim’s Note】This is a good sentence to show your positive attitude in a potentially bad situation. If someone wants to know how a business merger or negotiation is going, this is the perfect answer.

27. How often…? 什么时候 …… 一次?
How often do you go to the movies?
How often do you go out to eat?
How often do you visit your parents?
How often do you call your wife?
How often do you read the newspaper?
【Kim’s Note】 This is a great way to find out information, just be careful not to go too far, or you might hear the answer, “None of your business!”

28. How was…? ……怎么样?
How was your trip to America?

29. I’m always doing… 我总是……
I’m always losing things.
I’m always forgetting people’s names.

30. I’m calling to… 我打电话来……
I’m calling to confirm your booking.
I’m calling to ask about the advertisement I read in today’s paper.
I’m calling to request a catalogue.
I’m calling to file a complaint.
【Kim’s Note】 This sentence pattern is so essential for good phone communication. Americans always announce the reason for their call during business hours. No one has time to waste making small talk. Learn to get directly to the point.

31. I’m good at… 我擅长……
I’m good at English.
I’m good at cooking.
I’m good at judging other people.
I’m good at remembering names.
【Kim’s Note】 I know it is not very Chinese to say what your are good at doing. In fact, it is probably difficult to overcome your shyness and modesty enough to practice this sentence pattern. That’s why it is perfect to build your confidence. Think of something you are good at doing and repeat it ten times a day!

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