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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson13:报纸和杂志Newspaper and Magazines
时间:2007-10-30 20:17:04  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson13:报纸和杂志Newspaper and Magazines

181. This newspaper is very liberalu in its opinions.
182. I read the paper onlinev every morning.
183. He just got a subscriptionw to that magazine.
184. The pictures are good, but the magazine articles aren’t very interesting.
185. The newspaper has a lot of unpleasantx stories.
186. My father is a journalisty for the New York Times.
187. I only read the headlinesz, not the entire paper.
188. This magazine focuses on politics.
189. International news is hard to understand sometimes.
190. This week’s issue has a good interview with the governor{.
191. I can’t afford to have the paper every day, so I only have the Sunday paper delivered.
192. Because the Sunday paper has a summary| of the week’s news stories as well as extra sections about style, health, books, and culture.
193. I can’t live without my morning paper. I read it while having breakfast and drinking my coffee.
194. It’s a fashion magazine. It has lots of articles about clothes and make-up.
195. I suppose that’s why they print so many different kinds of magazines, because people have such different preferences.

1. liberal           [5libErEl]      a. 自由主义的,允许变革的,不守旧的
2. online                  [Cn5lain]       adv.  联机地
3. subscription     [sQb5skripFEn] n. 预订;订阅
4. unpleasant     [Qn5pleznt]    a. 使人不愉快的;不中意的;讨厌的
5. journalist       [5dVE:nElist]   n. 新闻工作者,新闻记者;报人
6. headline        [5hedlain]     n. 头版头条新闻;头版重要新闻
7. governor       [5^QvEnE]     n. 州长,总督,地方长官
8. summary       [5sQmEri]      n. 总结,摘要, 一览


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