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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson43:Memorablw People 值得回忆的人
时间:2007-10-30 21:13:11  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson43:Memorablw People 值得回忆的人

631. Jeff was the funniest guy in our class.
632. The whole town thought Jim was a good mayoru.
633. I’m glad to see that you still remember me.
634. How could I forget my favorite college professor?
635. Alfred was the tallest guy in our school.
636. Hector was the worst employer I ever had.
637. Our nation owes a lot to Martin Luther King Jr.
638. Susan was the prettiest girl in our town.
639. Karen had a beautiful singing voice.
640. He helped many people in his long career.
641. Have you kept in touch with many of your old classmates?
642. There is one person I’m positive I’ll recognize.
643. Nevertheless, she is someone I’ll never forget.
644. This autographv is worth a lot because he’s such a memorable figure in baseball and African-American history.
645. His courage won’t be forgotten. 

1. mayor     [5mZE]      n. 市长,镇长
2. autograph  [5C:tE^rB:f]  n. 亲笔;(尤指名人的)亲笔签名


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