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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历
时间:2008-11-28 10:21:14  来源:可可英语  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历

676. I slipped on some ice and broke my arm.
677. The car accident almost killed my brother.
678. She almost fell into the tiger cage.
679. That rock just missedu my head.
680. I almost didn’t see that bus coming.
681. He’s very lucky to have survived the war.
682. I’m worried about him because he works in a prison.
683. Mountain climbing is exciting because it can be dangerous.
684. Steve drives too fast and takes too many risksv.
685. Ann was in the hospital for six weeks after getting hurt.
686. I was driving to work when a huge truck ran a red light.
687. I’m sorry you had to go through that.
688. There were always bombs and gunfire all around us.
689. My stomach would have been full of butterflies.
 690. I’ve never been so scared in my life, and my entire life flashed before my eyes.

1. miss   [mis]  vi. 未击中;打偏
2. risk    [risk]  n. 危险,风险


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