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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson48:Romantic  Experiences浪漫的经历
时间:2008-11-26 10:25:16  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson48:Romantic  Experiences 浪漫的经历

 706. We went ice-skatingu on our first date.
 707. He sang to me at the restaurant.
 708. I asked her to marry me on the beach.
 709. We took a trip to Hawaii together.
 710. He sent me flowers at work.
 711. She read me her favorite poem.
 712. He used to walk me home from school every day.
 713. This is our twentieth anniversary.
 714. We learned to horsebackv ride together.
 715. He cooked my favorite meal for me.
 716. What did you and your boyfriend do for Valentine’s Day?
 717. He surprised me with a tropical vacation.
 718. This is the nicest gift that anyone has ever gotten me.
 719. I think that this is the most romantic thing you’re ever done for me.
 720. A moonlight strollw on the beach sounds like a great way to end the evening.

1. ice-skating     [5ais7skeitiN]  n. 溜冰
2. horseback      [5hC:sbAk]   n. 马背
3. stroll          [strEul]    vi. 散步,溜达;缓步走


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