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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson51:Foolish Experiences愚蠢的经历
时间:2008-11-23 11:20:12  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson51:Foolish Experiences愚蠢的经历

 751. I found out that I wasn’t as smart as I thought.
 752. He brought the package to the wrong office.
 753. He wore blue jeans to a formal dinner.
 754. I completely forgot about her divorce.
 755. She spilled the soup all over her dress.
 756. He brought his girlfriend to his ex-wife’s party.
 757. He overslept and missed work.
758. I got lost and drove around the city for hours.
759. My decision ruined the whole evening.
760. He should never drink that much alcohol in public.
761. She’ll never give me an extensionx for such a foolish excuse.
762. I don’t want to look stupid in front of the teacher.
763. Did I do anything embarrassing?
764. The worst thing was when you got up on top of the table and started dancing and singing.
765. I let the cat out of the bag with only one day to go.

1. package   [5pAkidV]    n. 包裹;包
2. formal    [5fC:mEl]     a. 正式的;礼节上的
3. oversleep  [5EuvE5sli:p]  vi. 睡过头
4. extension  [iks5tenFEn]  n. 延长;延期;缓期


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