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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson54:Brave Experiences勇敢的经历
时间:2008-11-20 11:19:21  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson54:Brave Experiences勇敢的经历

796. You’re very brave.
797. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
798. Playing contact sports builds character.
799. He grew up in a rough neighborhood.
800. He jumped into the river to save that boy from drowning.
801. He is certainly not a cowardu.
802. She didn’t panicv when the bear saw her.
803. It took a lot of nerve to go out in the stormw.
804. We all have to conquer some fears.
805. Courage means different things to different people.
806. There is an amazing story of a man who managed to stop a robberyx.
807. I wonder why he risked his life for a stranger.
808. He said that he couldn’t just stand by and watch some innocent person get hurt.
809. I just did what anyone would have done in my situation.
810. I really didn’t have time to think.  I just acted.

1. coward   [5kauEd]  n. 懦夫,胆怯者
2. panic     [5pAnik]  v.  恐慌
3. storm      [stC:m]  n. 暴风雨
4. robbery  [5rCbEri]  n. 抢劫;盗取;抢劫案


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