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零距离美语会话[娱乐]Lesson 2:I love going to the mall
时间:2006-3-24 21:53:18  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
aren:  Of course!  Everything at Helen's is overpriced19, and they sell things that you can find at almost every other clothing store!  Why didn't you shop around?
Janet:  I don't know, I just saw the dress and thought about how pretty it looks and how much I wanted it.  I guess I was too impulsive20.

Helpful Information:
The same products may be priced quite differently at different stores.  This happens everywhere.  Shopping around may take a lot of time, but it can be very worthwhile. 
 4    Words and Expressions
1. seamstress  女裁缝师
2. tailor  ((尤指男装) 裁缝师
3. complicated  复杂的; 难懂的
4. sales slip  销货单, 销货发票
5. refund   退还, 退款
6. hang around  闲荡, 徘徊
7. classifieds   分类广告
8. rummage sale 义卖, 清仓大拍卖
9. negotiate  谈判, 协商, 洽谈
10. headline   标题;大标题
11. tabloid   小报
12. scanning  电子光束扫掠,扫描
13. option 选择; 选择权; 选择自由
14. sneaker   运动鞋
15. go about  着手干;做
16. guarantee  保证;担保
17. qualification  资格, 限制,
18. boutique   流行女装商店,精品店
19. overpriced  定价过高的
20. impulsive   冲动的;易冲动的

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