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零距离美语会话[社会问题]Lesson 2:About society
时间:2006-3-24 22:04:56  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Two   About society. 

 1   Introduction
A    Some people find it’s very meaningful to be kind to the young and care for the old.  America is a wealthy nation, but it has many problems like poverty and loneliness.  So, many people volunteer their time to help teach poor children, or they visit elderly people who are lonely.
B    In many western nations, people are concerned about others who drink or smoke too much.  And drugs are a problem that people openly discuss.
C    Pregnancy can be an issue that causes arguments in America.  Pregnancy, abortion, and birth control, are topics that people do not agree on.
D    It is a common tradition for some Westerners to donate money to charities that help to solve problems such as poverty, disease, and intolerance.
E    The suburbs are popular because people enjoy more space for their homes and the crime rate is usually lower. 

 2    Sample Sentences
1.   Do you prefer the city or the country?
2.   Watch your diet.
3.   You have lost some weight. / You have come off some weight.
4.   At an early age, I found that positive relationships with elderly, infirmed, and disabled people, were personally fulfilling.
5.   I have the power to change my body and my health, yet I can’t seem to get the job done. 
6.   I think that once you become accustomed to life in a place like New York State, New England, or Minnesota, you would be happy to live there.
7.   Carl was very supportive of your right to be an individual.
     Carl 很支持你作为个人的权力。
8.   He seems very respectful of people of different backgrounds.
9.   How would you react if your friend wanted an abortion?
10.  I haven't had a personal experience with abortion other than knowing someone who had one.

 3   Conversations
1.  Dieting.
George:  Do you hear what happened to Sally?
Joanne:  No, what?
George:  She had to go to the hospital. 
Joanne:  Why?
George:  She passed out1 in class.  Seems she hadn't eaten anything in days.
Joanne:  Why on earth would she do that? You mean that she intentionally2 did not eat any food for days?  That's crazy!
George:  Yeah, but that's what she did. 
Joanne:  I can't believe that there are girls who are willing to do that to their bodies.  And all for a certain look.
George:  Well, it's not just the girl’s fault.  It's also society's fault - magazines and ads that show wafer3 - thin models all saying “It's in to be thin”.  It's hard for them not to listen. 
Joanne:  True, but there are limits.  Being thin is one thing; starving oneself to death is another.  No one forces them to do this.
George:  I know that, but sometimes it's hard to make the right decision.  And besides, anorexia4 is a psychological5 problem as well.  Anorexics never think that they are thin enough, and they keep pushing themselves.
Joanne:  Well, they should do more to tone down6 those messages and try to promote a healthier body image. It really hurts girls if they grow up thinking they're always too fat.
George:  I agree.

2.  Helping homeless people.
Jim:  Hey, Sandy, what's new?  Interested in a movie tonight?
Sandy:  I wish I could, but I'm busy.  I'm going to work at a soup kitchen7 tonight.
Jim:  Soup kitchen?  Is that a new restaurant or something?
Sandy:  Nah, it's a place where homeless

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