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零距离美语会话[住房]Lesson 2:My mom likes to live alone
时间:2006-3-24 22:01:17  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Two    My mom likes to live alone.

1   Introduction
For several reasons, many retired Americans choose not to live with their grown children. Even elderly widows and widowers choose to live on their own. This might seem strange to elderly Chinese, but older Americans have become accustomed to having their own cars, homes, and activities.

2  Sample Sentences
1.  Many older people live on their own. 
2.  Some have always lived alone while others have outlived their partner or other relatives.  
3.  Most people are happy living by themselves, but some feel vulnerable and isolated.
4.  Most people live on their own in safety without ever having a serious accident.
5.  If you don’t go out much or don’t see your family and friends as often as you would like, it’s easy to become lonely and isolated.
6.  Pets can be valuable companions for those living alone.
7.  Looking after yourself and your home can mean a lot of hard work when you live on   your own.
8.  For people living alone, being able to get out and about to do shopping, go to social clubs, and visit friends and relatives is essential.
9.   My mom is 70 years old, and she wants to trade in her old car for a new one.
10.  If you are adjusting to life on a single income or finding that your pension does not stretch as far as you would like, you may want to check that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to.

2 Conversations  
1.  Too busy to feel lonely!
A:  Mom, you know that Andrea and I sometimes worry about you.
B:  Really? Why would you worry about me? I’m just fine.
A:  You’re almost 70 years old, Mom! Don’t you think it would be better for you if you moved in with us?
B:  No way! I like my apartment, and I like to be independent1.
A:  Do you ever get lonely living alone?
B:  Not at all. I see you and your family twice a week, and I enjoy seeing my own friends. I’m too busy to feel lonely!
——绝对不行! 我喜欢我的公寓,而且我也喜欢自立。

2.  Independence.
A:  Alice, your father is amazing. He’s 90 years old and he lives alone in that big house.
B: I know. He doesn’t like to ask anyone for help. My dad insists on paying his own bills and taking care of himself!
A:  That sounds like my Grandmother. She was always stubbornly2 independent.
B:  It seems that folks3 like my father and your grandmother are determined to4 be on their own5.
A:  They see their independence as a kind of character strength.
B:  Sometimes they are too independent.
——艾丽斯,你的爸爸可真行! 他九十岁了,还一个人住那么大的房子。

3.  Talking about a TV program.
A:   I saw an interesting program on TV last night. It was about elderly people.
B: And what did the program say?
A:  It said that people with a positive6 attitude7 tend to live longer and happier.
B: I think that many physicians8 now agree with that idea.
A:  And the TV program also said that physical exercise9 helps people deal with stress10.
B:  And the most active older people seem to enjoy some kind of physical exercise. My father is over 60 years old, and he lifts weights every day.

4.  A place to live after graduation.
Valerie:  So, Fred, what are your plans for after graduation?
Fred:  Well, I've already got a job waiting for me back in my hometown.
Valerie:  That's cool.  Have you already found an apartment to live in?
Fred:  I’m planning on living with my parents. Won't you?
Valerie:  I couldn't even if I wanted to.  My parents told me that if I went home, then

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