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零距离美语会话[社会问题]Lesson 1:Breaking the law
时间:2006-3-24 22:03:10  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
——但是看起来好像是个好主意。 我所要做的就是先给发给我这封信的人寄一些钱。 然后他就告诉我怎样去挣更多的钱。

3.    Clever thieves.
Harry:  So Kim, have you ever had anything stolen?
Kim:  Stolen?  No, why?
Harry:  My uncle just had his motorcycle stolen a few nights ago.  I was just thinking about how clever criminals9 are these days.
Kim:  Criminals are clever?  They're only successful when people are careless.
Harry:  I don't know.  The ones who stole my uncle's motorcycle were pretty good.
Kim:  If your uncle had an alarm system10, then it wouldn't have happened.
Harry:  He did.  It was one of the best ones available.  But that didn't stop them from disabling11 it.  And on a crowded street too.
Kim:  Didn't anyone stop them? 
Harry:  You would think that people would be smart enough to stop something like that.  No one knew his motorcycle was being stolen.  The thieves came in a truck and convinced everybody that my uncle was parked illegally and they were there to tow12 it away.
Kim:  Wow, they were good.  I guess criminals aren't that dumb13 after all.
Harry:  That's not the end.  They were so good that they convinced a bystander14 to help them lift the motorcycle and put it in the truck.

4.  Getting a ticket.
Policeman:  Sir, may I please see your license and registration15?  Do you know how fast you were going?
Bob:  No, I'm not sure.  I think about 65 mph, right? 
Policeman:  You're not sure?  You were going at 90 miles per hour!  That's 25 mph over the legal speed limit16!  Have you been drinking?
Bob:  No, Officer, not at all.
Policeman:  Then how can you explain your behavior?
Bob:  Well, I guess I just wasn't paying attention to the speedometer17.
Policeman:  Not paying attention to the speedometer?  Why not?
Bob:  Um, because I was busy talking to my friend.
Policeman:  On a cell phone?
Bob:  Yes, I was using a cell phone.  I just bought it, so I decided to give my friend a phone call to tell him about it.  While I did that I also turned on the radio and was listening to one of my favorite songs, and eating some food I had bought at a fast food restaurant, and, um…… guess I had too many distractions18.
Policeman:  That's definitely true.  I'm going to have to give you a ticket.  Please remember to drive more carefully next time.

 4    Words and Expressions
1. bond  债券;公债
2. stock  股票,股份
3. arrest   逮捕;拘留
4. light sentence  轻的判刑 
5. scheme  诡计,阴谋;计划
6. gullible 易受骗的
7. scam   骗钱;阴谋
8. hierarchy 等级制度
9. criminal 罪犯
10. alarm system  报警系统
11. disable   使失去能力,使伤残
12. tow  拖,拉;牵引
13. dumb   哑的,不能说话的
14. bystander   旁观者
15. registration  登记,注册,挂号
16. legal speed limit  法定时速
17. speedometer速度计;里程计
18. distraction 分心, 消遣;散心

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