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零距离美语会话[社会问题]Lesson 2:About society
时间:2006-3-24 22:04:56  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
people go to eat.
Jim:  How did you get involved in something like that? 
Sandy:  Well, the minister8 at my church told us about it, and it seemed interesting.  I thought I'd try it once, and if I didn't like it I'd stop.
Jim:  So what do you do there? 
Sandy:  It's simple.  All we do is prepare some food, usually sandwiches and some fruit, and give it out to them at the soup kitchen.
Jim:  Yeah, it sounds easy.  How long does it take?
Sandy:  Only about two hours, for a couple of days a month.  Why don't you give it a try? 
Jim:  I don't know.  I mean, I like helping the community and all that, but I don't know if I have the time……
Sandy:  Come on, it's easy, and it'll make you feel good.  Why don't you come with me tonight?
Jim:  I don't know……
Sandy:  I won't accept no for an answer.  I'll pick you up at seven tonight.

3.   Two students, one white (Anthony) and one black (Charles), are talking together.
Kate:  So it is hard to be a black student on campus?
Charles:  Yes, in many ways it is.  There are many stereotypes I have to deal with in my daily life.
Kate:  Stereotypes?  Like what? 
Charles:  Well, like since I'm black, I must like rap music10, come from the inner city, or play basketball well.
Kate:  I do know you like rap music, but the other two are definitely false. I’ve seen you play basketball.
Charles:  Hey!  But that's not the only problem.  There's also the affirmative action11 stigma12. 
Kate:  You mean that people look down upon you because they think you're in school because of a quota13? That's not true at all; you're really a smart guy.
Charles:  I know that, but some people don't think like that.  And I get problems from teachers as well.
Kate:  Teachers?  I didn't think that they would be racist14 at all. 
Charles:  Racist?  Not exactly.  It's how they look at me and ask for my opinion on a topic, as if I can speak for all black people and give them the black opinion on a subject.  Suddenly I become the representative15 of the black race, as if we all had the same opinion.
Kate:  I see.  It looks like there are still a lot of issues we need to work on in the US.

4.  Karen is walking on the street.  She just saw a Chinese man throwing rubbish on the ground.
Karen:  Hey, you, pick up that piece of garbage! 
Man:  Huh?  Me?
Karen:  Yeah, you.  I just saw you throw a piece of garbage on the ground.  Can't you read the No Littering sign?  It's a $500 penalty16 for littering17, so go pick it up and put it in the garbage can18 over there.
Man:  Why should I do that?  It's only a piece of garbage.  Why should you care?
Karen:  Because this is a public place, and I want to spend my time here without having to look at your garbage.
Man:  Listen; I really don't know why you're making this into such a big issue.  It's only a small piece of garbage in a large space.  It's not like there's garbage everywhere.  Besides, someone will come along to clean it up at some time or another.
Karen:  It's not the cleaner's responsibility to pick up after lazy people.  It's part of your responsibility to make sure that the place is neat for other people.  If everyone thought like you, there'd be garbage everywhere!  The cleaners can't be everywhere! 
Man:  Ok, whatever.  See, I'm putting it in the garbage can.
Karen:  Hold on, that's an item.  You should put that in the recycle19 bin next to the trashcan.
Man:  Recycle bin?  Garbage is garbage! 
Karen:  No, it isn't.  There are many times we can take what we've used and reuse it.  It saves from having to use new materials, and it creates less garbage.
Man:   Ok, ok.  I'll do whatever you want as long as you

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