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跟可可走遍美国:The Community Center社区中心ACTIII
时间:2009-11-2 16:14:55  来源:可可英语  作者:qihui  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:听力文本
第 2 页:中英对照版
第 3 页:口语讲解
第 4 页:美国文化介绍



●say something is hard to tolerate:说事情不能忍受

It's hard for some older people to take all that noise.


●agree with someone:认同他人说的话

I see what you mean.


●express thanks:致谢

I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math.


●excuse yourself for interrupting:为打断别人谈话或工作而致歉

Don't let me interrupt you.

Don't let us keep you from…


●say you didn't understand something:表示不懂

I couldn't get a handle on it.


●remind someone that you've already met:向对方提起曾见过面

We met before.


●talk about someone's dislikes:谈论别人厌恶的事

He'll use any excuse to avoid math.


●say something is very important:说事情重要

It's a serious matter for a lot of us.


●invite someone to a meeting to learn some news:邀人参加会议聆听消息

Come on. you'll hear about it.


●say it's time to work:表示该工作

Roll your sleeves up …


●say you will provide what is needed:有事求人帮忙

We might need you to come through with your friends.


●agree on a plan:同意对方计划

So we meet tomorrow?

Tomorrow morning it is.


●speak honestly:说实在话

Frankly, …


●say someone had good intentions:说某人是好意

They probably meant well.


●say someone got distracted:说某人有事缠身

They probably had other things on their minds.


●verify information you have about someone:查证有关他人的消息

I understand you used to be in the construction business.


●confirm a statement:确认

A. You were in the construction business.

B. I was, indeed.


●say someone is acting strangely:说某人行动怪异

It's not like Robbie.


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