
时间:2005-11-26 18:52:33  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
ce fund 偿债基金
debt service rate 外债偿还比例
debt servicing capacity 外债偿还能力
debt to equity 债务转换
Debtee 债权人
Debtor 债务人
Decentralization 分散经营,分散管理
Decentralized 分散管理的
Decision 决策,决定
decision-making 决策
decision model 决策模型
decision support system 决策支持系统
Declaration 公告,宣告,申报
declaration of bankruptcy 破产宣告
Deepening reform 深化改革
with the deepening of economic reforms 随着经济改革的深入
Default 违约,拖欠
default clause 违约条款
default in the payment 拖欠付款
default interest 过期罚金
default of obligation 不履行债务
default of payment 不履行付款义务
default on payment 不偿还贷款
Defence 国防,辩护,答辩
defence budget 国防预算
defence industries 国防工业
Defer 延期
Deferred 延期的
deferred account 递延帐户
deferred assets 递延资产
deferred payment 延期付款
Deficit 赤字,亏损,逆差
deficit account 赤字帐户
deficit balance 赤字差额
deficit budget 赤字预算
deficit finance 赤字财政
deficit spending 赤字支出,透支
deficit statement 亏损表
Definition 定义,明确
property rights definition 产权界定
Deflation 紧缩
deflation policy 紧缩政策
Defunct company 已停业公司
Degree 程度,度
degree of accuracy 精确度
degree of dependence on inport 进口依赖程度
degree of monopoly 垄断程度
Degressive 递减的
degressive depreciation 递减折旧
degressive tax rate 累退税率
Deindustrialization 非工业化
Delay 拖延,延期
Delayed 过期的,拖延的,延期的
Delegation 代表团
delegation of authority 官方代表团
delegation of trade 贸易代表团
Deliver 交货,寄信
Delivered 已交货,已支付的
Delivery 交货,交付
Demand 需求,要求
demand analysis 需求分析
demand deposit 活期存款
demand forecast 需求预测
demand loan 活期放款
demand note 即期票据,交费通知
demand over supply 供不应求
demand-pull inflation 由需求引起的通货膨胀
pent-up demand 被抑制的需求
Demographic 人口统计的
demographic analysis 人口分析
demographic census 人口调查
demographic situation 人口状况
Denationalization 非国有化
denationalization process 非国有化过程
Department 部门,司,局
department accounting 部门会计
department in charge 主管部门
Depletion 折耗,损耗
depletion assets 折耗资产
Deposit 存款,抵押,保证金
deposit in current account 往来存款
deposit in foreign currency 外币存款
Depreciable 应计折旧的
depreciable assets 应计折旧资产
depreciable life 折旧年限
depreciable property 应计折旧财产
Depreciated 折旧后的
Depreciation 折旧
accumulated depreciation 累计折旧
decreasing depreciation 递减折旧
depreciation account 折旧帐户
depreciation allowance 折旧费
depreciation allowed 可提折旧额
depreciation and depletion 折旧与报废
depreciation base 折旧基数
depreciation by composite life method 平均年限折旧法
depreciation by composite life method 综合年限法折旧
depreciation by declining balance method 余额递减法折旧
depreciation by percentage of original cost 原始成本定率折旧
depreciation by production method 产量折旧法
depreciation by replacement method 重置成本法折旧
depreciation by straight-line method 直线法折旧
depreciation by working hours method 工作时间法折旧
depreciation expenses 折旧费
depreciation of major repair 大修折旧
depreciation on fixed assets 固定资产折旧
depreciation-annuity method 年金折旧法
depreciation-appraisal method 估价折旧法
depreciation-arbitrary method 任意折旧法
Depression 不景气,萧条
Designated 指定的
designated bank 指定银行
designated currency 指定货币
designated deposit 指定存款
Detail 细节
Detailed 详细的,明细的
detailed statement of accounts 帐户明细表
detailed rule 细则
Devaluation 贬值
Developed 发达的
developed country 发达国家
developed market economy 发达市场经济
least developed country 最不发达国家
Developing 发展中的
developing countries 发展中国家
developing market economy 发展中市场经济
Development 开发,发展
development bank 开发银行
development fund 发展基金
Difference 差,差额,差别
difference account 差额计算帐户
difference in exchange rate 汇率差额
difference in price 价差
Diminishing 递减,减少
diminishing balance method of depreciation 余额递减折旧方法
diminishing cost 递减成本
diminishing returns 递减回报
Direct 直接
direct charge-off method 直接冲销法
direct cost 直接成本
direct costing 直接成本计算
direct dealing 直接交易
direct expenses 直接费用
direct financing lease 直接筹资租赁
direct investment 直接投资
direct liability 直接负债
direct ma

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