
时间:2005-11-26 18:52:33  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
rketing 直接销售
direct overhead 直接制造费用
direct sales 直销
Director 董事,理事,主任
director board 董事会
Discharge 解除,免除,兑现完成
discharge liability 解除债务
discharge of a debt 免除债务
discharge of contract 合同解除
Disclosure 披露,揭露,企业决算公开
disclosure requirements 资料公开的要求
disclosure system 披露制度
Discount 贴现,折扣,减价
debt discount 债务贴现
discount bank 贴现银行
discount bond 按面值折价发行的债券
discount cash flow 现金收支折现法
discount factors 贴现系数表
discount for cash 贴现
discount interest 贴现利息
discount liability 折价债务
discount loan 贴现贷款
discount market 贴现市场
discount method 折扣方法
discount of bill 票据贴现
discount on share 股票折价
discount on stock 股本折价
discount rate 贴现率,折扣率
discount securities 折扣证券
Discounted 已贴现的,已折扣的
discounted cash flow technique 现金流量折现法
discounted present value 贴现后的现值
Disposal 处理
disposal costs 清理成本
disposal of fixed assets 固定资产变卖
Distributable 可供分配的
distributable earnings 可分配收益
Distribute 分销,分配
distribute dividends 派息,分红
Distributed 已分配的,已分摊的
distributed cost 已分摊成本
distributed profit 已分配利润
Distribution 分布,分配,销售
distribution according to labour 按劳分配
distribution according to needs 按需分配
distribution cost analysis 经销成本分析
distribution of income 收入分配
distribution of net profit 净利润分配
distribution of property 财产分配
poisson distribution 泊松分布
Distributor 批发商,经销商
District 地方,地区
district court 地方法院
Diversification 多元化,多种经营
Diversified 多种经营的
diversified business 多样化经营
diversified common stock fund 分散普遍股基金
diversified company 多种经营公司
diversified economy 多种经济
Dividend 股息,股利
dividend accumulation 累计红利
dividend distribution 股息分配
dividend from capital 资本股利
dividend growth model 红利增长模式
dividend payable 应付股息
dividend payout ratio 股息分配率,红利支付比率
dividend policy 分红政策
dividend preference 优先股利
dividend rate 股息率
dividend tax 股息税
dividend yields 红利回报率
stock dividend 配股
Division 部门,分公司,划分,分配
division management 部门管理
division of labour 分工
Domestic 国内的
domestic affairs 内政
domestic bond 国内债券
domestic price 国内价格
domestic trade 国内贸易
Dominating enterprise 占优势企业
Donated 捐赠的
donated assets 捐赠资产
donated capital 捐赠资本
donated fund 捐赠基金
donated property 捐赠财产
donated stock 捐赠股份
Donation 捐款,捐赠
Double 两位的,加倍的,复式
double-check 复查核对
double-digit inflation 两位数字通货膨胀
double entry 复式计帐
double taxation 双重征税
Dow Jones Index 道琼斯指数
Dow Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业平均数
Down payment 定金
Drain 流失
drain of capital 资金外流
drain of state owned property 国有资产流失
stem drain of state assets 防止(堵塞)国有资产流失
to prevent the drain of state owned property 防止国有资产流失
Dual 双重,二元
dual market price 双重市场价格
dual recognition 双重承认
dual taxation 双重纳税
Due diligence 应有的关注
Dumping 倾销
dumoing code 反倾销法案
dumoing duty 倾销税
dumping export 倾销出口
dumping price 倾销价格
Duration 期限
Duty 关税
countervailing duty 分倾销性关税
duty drawback 关税退税
duty free 免税

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