
时间:2006-7-27 23:11:43  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

skirts are in fashion now.
Would you like to try it?

2. 二册(Practice and Progress):构建英语的基石。
l No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found.

Lesson 68 Persistent
I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me . it was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.
'Hello. Nigel.' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here?'
'Hi. Elizabeth.' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning---until I saw you. You're not busy doing anything, are you?'
'No, not at all.' I answered. 'I'm going to …'
'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking. 'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.'
'Then I'll come with you.' He answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!'

3. 三册(Developing Skills):掌握英语的关键。
Lesson 26 Wanted: A Large Biscuit Tin
No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.

Lesson 60 Too Early And Too Late
Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos. Only in a sparsely populated rural community is it possible to disregard it. In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.

4. 四册(Fluency in English):体味英语的精髓。
A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-twentieth-century opportunities.
(Lesson 41)

It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. (Lesson 58)

The only arguable plea for capital punishment is the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect of life in another, but since what used to seem to the great majority of civilized humanity the assurance of another life beyond the grave has come to seem to more and more people less certain, a feeling for the values of human life has become deeper and more widespread.
(Lesson 60)

四. 如何掌握新概念英语:
1. 自学的误区
2. 突破新概念词汇:
3. 句型:→择抄,朗读,默背,钻石句型超级模仿记忆。
4. 课文:→3R:Recite; Retell;Review

五. 掌握《新概念英语》与英语全面突破。
1. 课堂上:由被动接受→主动吸收(笔记与心记)(与英语共舞)
2. 课后如何巩固。(课堂笔记是你的宝贵财富)
3. 百读不厌,不厌百读。(背诵需要激情)
4. 由初级到高级循序渐进,终会突破!

六. 素质英语与应试英语在新概念教材上如何统一。
1. 素质是关键
2. 应试是检验。
3. 新概念是手段。 

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