
时间:2005-5-13 14:19:49  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

ure was the most fascinating I've heard.
(D) I would have preferred a different lecture.
What are most of the answer choices about? A lecture. So the stem will have to be about the same thing. Now you have a context. You know it will have something to do with a lecture. Your task is to find out more information about it.
技巧三: Three Ways to Find the Right Answer
Reading ahead helps you keep up. Guessing the topic supplies you with a context and helps you listen actively. These three techniques help you narrow down [缩小;限制范围] your choices whether or not you have actually understood what is spoken on the tape .
1.  OPPOSITES相反的选择
One of ETS's [美国教育考试机构] favorite kind of wrong answers is one that traps people who almost understood the stem. It looks pretty similar to the correct answer, but means the opposite.
For example:
(A)      Sunday is a day Mary often works.
(B)      Mary rarely works on Sunday.
(C)      Some days Mary's work is awful.
(D)      Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.
In the example above, (A) and (B) are what we call opposites, that is, both statements could not be true. Of a typical Listening comprehension section, one third to one half of the questions contain opposites. This is good news for you because:
If there is one pair of opposites in the answer choices, one of them is the right answer!
Even if you never hear the question, you now have a 50 percent chance of answering this question correctly. Furthermore a pair of opposites in the answer choices tells you exactly what the stem will be about. You only have to listen to hear confirmation [确认;证实] of one or the other of the two opposites.
Find the opposites in the example below:
1.       (A) Stone does not enjoy clothes shopping.
(B) Stone ate while he tried on the clothes.
(C) Buying clothing is a pleasure for Stone.
(D) Not one piece of clothing was available in his size.
In this example, the opposites are (A), which say that stone doesn't like to buy clothes, and (C), which says that he does. Now when you hear the stem, you only need to find out which one is true. The stem is:
If there's one thing Ston

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