
时间:2005-5-13 14:19:49  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

ll field.
The closest in meaning is answer (A). By the way, did you notice that (A) and (B) were opposites?
Type 3: Answer choices that are just plain silly [明显的愚蠢], for example:
(A)           Rob is too tall to be an actor.
(B)           Rob's performance was excellent.
(C)           He didn't see Rob on stage.
(D)           Rob was suspended above the stage.
Answer (A) is just silly. How can someone be too tall to be an actor? Answer choice (D) is weird [奇怪的] too. Now here's the stem.
W: How was Rob in the new play last night?
M: Great! He was head and shoulders above the rest of the cast.
Q: what does that man mean?
The expression "head and shoulders above" means "far better than", so the closest is meaning is answer (B). Notice that both silly answers, (A) and (D), are based on literal interpretations[字面理解] of the expression "head and shoulders above". If you hear something in the stem that doesn't make literal sense, it's an idiom. Idioms are a signal to be on the lookout for [提防;寻找] answer choices that take that idiom literally and turn it into something silly.
Another of ETS's favorite trap answers is what we call a sound-alike. Sound-alikes take some of the words and sounds from the statement or dialogue and rearrange them so that they have a totally different meaning. Remember this example?
(A)           Sunday is a day Mary often works.
(B)           Mary rarely works on Sunday.
(C)           Some days Mary's work is awful.
(D)           Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.
The statement was
Sunday is usually Mary's day off.
We already found the opposites in these answers, (A) and (B), and one extreme answer, (C). So now look at how ETS might trap you with sounds. Notice how many things in the answer choices echo [回响] the word "off' in the statement— "often", "awful" and "cough". And in answer (C),The one answer choice without Sunday, has been replaced with "some days". The right answer, (B), is one of the pair of opposites, is not silly or extreme, an

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