
时间:2007-10-28 11:36:31  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴


1.Out in the cold. remember? 我被流放着,你还记得么?
  Out in the cold=被忽视,被冷落

2.I don't recognize the insignia,do you? 我不认识这个标记,你呢?

3.I want Scofield's and Burrows' pictures on each and every gas pump.我希望S和B的照片贴在每个加油站上
gas pump=加油站
  each and every.虽然老师一直教我们each和every的区别,但从此句可以看到,口语中可用"each and every"是可以连用的,起强调作用

4.Everything goes through headquarters from now on.从现在起,所有事都要向总部汇报


5.I need you to clear a car for me.我需要你腾出一节车厢给我

6.You want him to rub elbows with your other passengers?你想他和其他乘客坐一起么?
rub=磨擦 ; elbow=肘
  rub elbows with sb.的引申义就是"与某人挨很近"

7.Everything is jake.
  Everything is jake=Everything is all right

8.I tried,but your new warden,straight as an arrow.我试过了,但你们的新狱长固执得要命

straight as an arrow=像弓箭一样直,来比喻一个人待人处世抱诚守真、刚正不阿
  eg.The man insisted that he was innocent and that he was as straight as an arrow. 那个人坚持自己是清 白的, 而且他是个正直的人

9.And you tracked down bagwell by following susan hollander.
你又通过跟踪susan hollander追捕到了bagwell.
  track down=追捕

10.It's just waiting to be rubber-stamped. 只需一些盖章的批准工作

11.Fowl is not part of a traditional brunch.禽肉不是传统的早午餐的一部分

12.We have got company.我们有客人

13.Remember that merry-go-round that we saw today? 记得我们今天看到的旋转木马么?

14.what if the only thing inside's a bunch of stogies?要里面只有一些雪茄怎么办?

15.I don't wanna spend any more minutes in here than necessary.我不想再在这里浪费时间了
   ...more...than necessary=比应当的更... 字串4

16.I'm no local hayseed cop. 我不是地方草包警察

17.whoever this is..tell bill kim that he just screwed up..big time.不管你是谁,告诉bill kim他这次搞砸了...砸大了
screw up=搞糟,搞砸
   big time=[俚语]十分,极度;欢乐时刻

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