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[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第122期:富裕舒适
迷你对话:A: To my surprise, John seems to be very unsatisfied with his wife. I think they are well-off.约翰对他的妻子不满,这可真奇怪。我还以为他们是恩爱夫妻了。B: It’s natural. John’s n

时间:2012-08-19 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第121期:到处各处
迷你对话:A: Have you read the newspaper? The police have arrested three men living in the house down the street.你看报了吗?警察逮捕了住在街那边那座房子里的三个人。B: You mean those people involved

时间:2012-08-19 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第120期:大吵大闹
迷你对话:A: I fell out with my husband again. I’m really pissed.我又和丈夫吵起来,真是气死了。B: What’s up?怎么回事了?A: He gave up the chance many people were dreaming of.他放弃了很多梦

时间:2012-08-17 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第119期:吃惊得不得了
迷你对话:A: I almost fell of my chair when I was told they had gotten divorced.当有人告诉我谈们已经离婚了的时候,我吃惊得不得了。B: Me too. I thought they were the happiest couple of all the time.我

时间:2012-08-17 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第118期:失宠
迷你对话:A: Have you seen Tom recently?你最近有没有见到汤姆?B: No, I only hear that he has ridden high now.没有,我只是听说他平步青云了。A: What you said has become an old story. Now he has fallen

时间:2012-08-16 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第117期:落得无趣
迷你对话:A: Tom's leg is broken.汤姆的腿摔断了。B: So I hear. He fell flat on his leg as he walked downstairs.我听说是这样,他下楼的时候给摔得个结结实实。A: I'm afraid he has to stay in bed

时间:2012-08-16 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第116期:别无选择
迷你对话:A: That is awfully bad. There is no water.太早了,停水了。B: We have some bottles of mineral water to fall back on.咱们还有几瓶矿泉水,必要时可以使用。A: Thank you for your consideration.对

时间:2012-08-15 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第115期:公正无私
迷你对话:A: My two children often fight with each other. I've criticized them to much, but they never listen to me.我的两个孩子经常打架,我批评他们,他们也不听。B: Don't criticize them to mu

时间:2012-08-14 编辑:Ballet

[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第114期:生气厌倦
迷你对话:A: What did you think of his speech?你认为他的发言怎么样?B: I was brown off with his boring jokes.我烦透了他那些无聊的笑话。A: Maybe he thought himself very humorous.也许他认为自己很幽默吧

时间:2012-08-13 编辑:Ballet
