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[跟可可听新闻] 跟可可听新闻:联合国呼吁增加投资对抗全球暖化
UN Report Calls for More Funds to Combat Global Warming联合国呼吁增加投资对抗全球暖化The United Nations is calling for billions of dollars to be spent by governments to fight climate change and green

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:admin

[2009年9月BBC新闻] BBC新闻重点讲解:以色列前总理奥尔默特被控腐败(2009-9-2)
听力练习下载本期BBC讲解PDF文本 LRC字幕 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理 BBC News with Michael Poles.The man almost certain to be Japan’s next Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama

时间:2011-09-02 编辑:qihui

[新闻热词] 新闻热词:敲诈
blackmail: 敲诈【背景知识】下面这则新闻不大光彩,给新闻出版行业抹黑了:《中国食品质量报》、《中华工商时报》等4家报社的个别记者因涉嫌以新闻报道为名向基层单位和群众敲诈财物,已于日前被捕。【相关报道】请

时间:2011-05-29 编辑:vicki

[关注社会] 关注社会:救命!老板快把我逼疯了!
英文原文【英文原文】Help! My boss is driving me nutsWhen a control-freak boss is in charge, you and your co-workers may be tempted to rebel. Here's a better strategy. Dear Annie: We used to have a g

时间:2011-05-29 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 时事新闻:美国股市及原油价格跟随中国股市走低
英文原文【英文原文】Stocks, OIL FOLLOW CHINA'S DROPU.S. investors shied from risk on the final trading day of the month, unloading stocks and commodities following a big stock-market selloff in Chin

时间:2011-05-29 编辑:vicki

[跟可可听新闻] 跟可可听新闻:亚洲开始摆脱衰退 经济学家警告莫急于欢庆
Some Asian Economies Edge Out of Recession, Caution Remains亚洲开始摆脱衰退 经济学家警告莫急于欢庆After months of massive government spending, some economies in Asia have emerged from recession. But

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:admin

[2009年9月BBC新闻] BBC新闻重点讲解:喀麦隆首都火车脱轨(2009-9-1)
听力练习下载本期BBC新闻讲解PDF文本 LRC字幕 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理 BBC News with Ally Micue.President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan has increased his lead over his ma

时间:2011-05-27 编辑:qihui

[其它听写] 世界上最美的英文:Solitude 独处

时间:2009-08-31 编辑:echo

[新闻热词] 新闻热词:特技表演者
stuntman: 特技表演者【背景知识】听没听说过一个人能在水下生活7天,只依靠吸管获取空气及液态营养物质?5月7日,被誉为美国魔幻大师的大卫·布莱恩成功跨越了这一极限。可惜,随后的一天,当他预备冲击水下憋气8分

时间:2011-05-29 编辑:vicki
