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[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:美国力推亚太贸易协定
中英文本The Trans-Pacific Partnership aims to bring together Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand,Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States to promote innovation and investment.跨太平

时间:2012-09-12 编辑:mike

[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:俄罗斯希望亚太国家向其远东地区投资
听力文本20 heads of government will fly into Vladivostok ’s new international airport built to handle 15 million tourists, 10 times last year’s passenger load.They will zoom down brand n

时间:2012-09-12 编辑:Sunny

[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:1821年战争的旗帜200年后依然激励后人
This is a really big year at Fort McHenry, a star-shaped fortification overlooking the harbor in Baltimore, Maryland.Baltimore and a few other places are commemorating the 200th anniversary of the st

时间:2012-09-12 编辑:Sunny

[2012年9月VOA慢速英语] VOA慢速附字幕:研究者在海洋中寻找新药物
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, in VOA Special English. I'm Shirley Griffith.CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: And I'm Christopher Cruise. Today, we tell about an anti-cancer drug recently s

时间:2012-09-12 编辑:Sunny

[2012年9月VOA慢速英语] VOA慢速双语附字幕:驾车使用GPS遇到的问题
听力文本This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.Global Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directio

时间:2012-09-11 编辑:Sunny

[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:泰国缅甸移民工作者们焦虑不安等待安全回到自己的祖国
In Thailand there are more than a million registered Burmese migrant workers.在泰国有超过一百万的注册缅甸移民工作者。The number of unregistered is even greater, and many of them work in dangerous and

时间:2012-09-11 编辑:mike

[科技] VOA视频:伦敦残奥会结束,夏季奥运会完美闭幕
VIENNA — A group of computer programmers and hackers in Austria is creating a low-cost way of spreading Internet access across communities.

时间:2012-09-11 编辑:Jasmine

[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:残奥会让残疾人对生活充满信心
听力文本At Britain’s National Spinal Injury Center, they are proud of their link to the Paralympics.And these days while patients learn how to live after crippling trauma with the constant hel

时间:2012-09-11 编辑:Sunny

[2012年9月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:美国一些边界线的来历
A couple of boundaries between U.S. states have special historical significance.The Mason Dixon Line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, for instance, informally divided the slaveholding South from th

时间:2012-09-10 编辑:Sunny
