  • 水果面面观


  • 常吃蔬果水果中英文名称对照

    bok choi 白菜
    broccoli 西兰花
    cabbage; red cabbage  圆白菜, 紫园白菜
    Cauliflower 菜花
    Chinese spinach  菠菜
    spinach  英国菠菜 (大叶子)
    spring greens  春天的绿色蔬菜(通常是沙拉中用)
    Asparagus 嫩笋

  • 超市 At The Supermarket

    STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer? DEREK: They don't have beer in this supermarket. We have to go to the liquor store. STEVE: Huh? They don't have beer. How can that be? DEREK: It's a state law. This state doesn't allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores. STEVE: That's too strict. It's silly. DEREK: I know. I agree with you. DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?

  • 英国超市物品名称

    在英国的食品, 可在超级市场、传统摊位市场、杂货店购买, 而主要是在超级市场。在英国超市分类清楚, 很容易辨认, 分类牌大多置于货架上方, 可由此找到您要的物品。

    Biscuits 饼干类
    Snacks  零嘴
    Crisps  各式洋芋片


  • 超市物品名称类

    Biscuits 饼干类 Snacks  零嘴 Crisps  各式洋芋片 Confectionery 糖业类 Pet. Food  宠物食品 Toiletries  厕所用品 Cereals  榖类食品 Poultry  家禽类 Pickles  各式腌菜 肉品类 (鸡, 猪, 牛) 鸡以身体部位分: Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿