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时间:2012-07-31 19:03:13 来源:可可英语 编辑:Ballet  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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1.So how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything?

点拨:do with是一个固定短语,意思是“处理,对待”,介词with后面可以接somebody,也可以接something。例如:He has to do with all sorts of people.(他得和各种各样的人打交道。) They do not know what to do with the garbage here.(他们不知道该怎么处理这里的垃圾。)

2.So my dad left her for another man, she lost 15 pounds, got an eye lift.

点拨:leave在这里的意思是“抛弃,甩掉”的意思,特别是指有这恋情的人。例如:I was left my my girlfriend so I am not in the mood.(我给女朋友甩了,我现在没有心情。)leave sb for sb意思是“为了某人而抛弃,甩掉某人”。

点拨:“lose + 体重”表示“体重下降了多少”。例如:I have been on a diet so I lose 20 pounds.(因为我一直在节食,所以我瘦了20磅。)

Get an eye lift是指(在美容上)“把眼皮提升”,不让眼皮往下掉,这样使得人看起来显得老,没精神。

3.I could tell since you didn't call or write the entire time it was happening.


点拨:the entire time+从句的结构可视为一个口语句型,如果从语法的角度上看是时间状语从句。例如:

During almost the entire time he was imprisoned, he saw no one, talked to no one and experienced no physical activity.(绝大部分的时间他都被囚禁着,看不到任何人,没有说话,也没有任何体能活动。)句中的“the entire time it was happening”意思是指“事情发生着的所有时间里”。

4.Do you know how it felt, calling your house when you didn't show up at school and having your mom say Serena didn't tell you that she moved to Connecticut?

点拨:“Does sb knows how it feel?”作为一个口语句型来看待,意思是“某人知道这是什么感受吗?”表示向别人倾诉自己心中的不快。

点拨:show up意思是“露面,出现,来到”。例如:We are going to freak out if you do not show up.(你不来我们就要发疯了。)

点拨:call one’s house是指“打某人家中的座机电话”。Move to somewhere意思是“搬到某处”。

点拨:have sb do something意思是让某人做某事。Have在这里是使役动词,sb后面的表示行为的动词,do something是有宾语直接发出的动作,不要加to或者使用现在分词doing something。例如:The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.(老板经常要他们一天工作 14 个小时。)

5.I need to get away from everything.

点拨:get away from是一个固定短语,意思是“为逃避......而躲开”,介词from后面可以接sb,也可以接sth。例如:I want peace--I must get away from this noisy town.(我需要安静,我得离开这个嘈杂的城市。)She married to get away from her tyrannical mother.(她为了脱离她那个暴虐的母亲而结婚。)

6.Let's fix that. I saw you at school with... with Katy and is, and I-I get it.

点拨:fix在这里是“弥补”的意思。“Let’s fix it.”用于口语意思是“我们重修旧好。”“我们重归于好。”

点拨:“I get it.”中的get是“理解,明白”的意思。用于口语中意思是“我明白了。”“我懂了。”

7.I-I don't want to take any of that away from you...

点拨:take away from意思是“从......拿走”。例如:We call his trying to take a client away from us dirty pool.(他企图拉走我们的主顾,我们管这种做法叫缺德。) They'll take it all away from me-every tree, the whole house, and every stick of furniture.(他们会把这一切从我手里拿走--每棵树,整幢房子,每件家具。)

8.I just want things to go back to the way they used to be..

点拨:go back to在这里意思是“恢复,回到......上来”。例如:He'd like to go back to private life.(他愿意恢复他的平民生活。) She persisted to everyone that she was strong enough to go back to work.(她向每一个人都坚持说她身体已经好了,可以恢复上班了。)

go back to还有“追溯到......”的意思。例如:In order to understand the man we will have to go back to an earlier day.(要懂得这个人,我们还得追溯到一个较早的时间。)

此外,它还有“回到某个地方”的意思。例如:I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind.(我再回到城里时, 精神总是十分饱满。) My holiday is at an end and I must go back to school tomorrow. (我的假期结束了,明天我得回去工作了。)

点拨:used to be意思是“过去存在的情况,过去是”。例如:She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad have completely transform he.(她过去十分腆,但在国外呆了一年以后完全变了。)He used to be a player at golf.(他曾经是一名高尔夫球手。)

点拨:want things to go back to the way they used to意思就是“希望事情回到原来的样子”“恢复如初”。

7.You missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf meltdowns.

点拨:meltdown是美国俚语,意思是“崩溃”“灾难”。Urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.(紧急谈判正在进行中,以防止市场在夏天陷入金融崩溃。)

8.Kinda have something special planned.


9.Spotted at the palace hotel... S. and B.Having a heart-to-heart. Hmm, why so thirsty, S?


点拨:heart-to-heart是美国俚语,意思是“谈心,坦诚的心里话”。have a heart-to-heart意思是“进行了一次交心的谈话”“促膝相谈”。例如:You should be in a placid mood and have a heart-to-heart talk with her.(你应该心平气和的好好和她谈谈心。)


10.You may have won over b. for now, but we still think you're hiding something.

点拨:win over是一个固定短语,意思是“说服”“把......争取过来”。例如:You will have to win over the whole committee.(你必须把整个委员会都说服。) You should win over the masses.(你应把群众争取过来。)

点拨:for now意思是“目前,暂时”。例如:Shall we call it a night for now and continue our discussion tomorrow?(我们今晚就此结束,明天继续讨论好吗?)


相关热词搜索: 绯闻 女孩




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