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灵异故事:鬼眼之屋(House Of Eyes 03)
时间:2009-1-7 15:20:10  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

The next little problem with the home is both a repetitive thing and a one timer thus far. The repetitive problem is that whenever I enter my bedroom something always falls. It can be anything, a picture off the wall, make-up will roll off my vanity, my closet door will shudder when something from the many piles a top it's shelves takes a dive, but ALWAYS something. Also, my bed is a swinging one. It’s a laying-swinging patio bench with a mattress on top so that I can rock when I sleep. (I love swings and swing every night for an hour in my backyard on our swing set. Snow, rain, and sleet never stop me.) It swings very gently at all times, but is never moving enough that you notice without watching it for a second or two. I just got home, had just opened my door and the bed was swaying rapidly from side to side as though someone had just pushed it, though my door had been locked, I just saw the cat outside, and no one had been home since 6:00 that morning.

  Now for the worst of it, or so I think because this is what frightened me the most of everything I endured.


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