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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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灵异故事:马特家的森林(Matt's Woods 03)
时间:2009-1-16 12:27:47  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

The way I personally experienced them was, as I said, by just kind of feeling them. For the purposes of this story, you'll need to know that my friend Rob is tall and thin, and my friend Alec is short and well built. Anyway, there were numerous times during the night when I felt Rob next to me. You know how if one of your friends, or someone built like one of your friends, is next to or behind you, you can tell? Well, I'd turn to say something to Rob only to find out he was nowhere near me, he would be all the way across the fire. Or when we were leaving the woods I could feel Alec right behind me, almost breathing over my shoulder, so I turned to ask him something and saw he was a good 30 feet behind me. That kind of crept me out. Add to it the fact that the whole evening I had been very uncomfortable, I couldn't settle down, I just felt kind of out of place, almost unwanted. So that's my part, here's what we collectively know about them.

  There are 3 of them. 2 are short and muscular, like my friend Alec; the other is tall and thin, like Rob. They are dressed in white gowns. Kind of shapeless, kind of generic, timeless gowns. They also wear some kind of hat or headpiece. Almost like priests or something. They're eyes are glowing white. They "work" together. They don't like us!!

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