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灵异故事:先生(Mister 02)
时间:2009-1-21 21:23:02  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

If you had a problem he would listen and try to help. He was very kind to his two employees. He loved children. He always favored me with a piece of caramel, mint, or lollypop when I came to his store. Saying "Here is a sweet for the sweetest little girl in New York." Lifting me up by my hands and spinning me around, to my delight. Mom would always stop by his store just to say hi or to pick up the seemingly endless supply of medications for my asthma. I loved Mister I thought he was wonderful. And I will never forget him because as far as I'm concerned he saved my mother's life, from pure evil.

  One night I had a nightmare. I dreamed that my mother and I had just gotten off the bus and were walking home past Mister's store. As things in dreams, I saw in my minds eye a spider on the roof of the building Mister's store was in. Suddenly the spider began to grow until its body was about five feet long, add to that the legs and you have a gargantuan arachnid, and I knew it wanted to kill my mother. In the dream I screamed, "Mommy the spider wants to kill you pointing at the roof".

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