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灵异故事:Burning Down the House(烧毁房子) 02
时间:2009-5-11 14:25:37  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

The house was not old. In fact it had only one previous owner. The house was approximately 10 years old when they moved into it. It was a two-story colonial painted yellow and white located in a nice neighborhood. Michelle was in an upstairs bedroom, but not the one that the Ouija board was found in. That was made into an office due to its small size.

  Well it got dark that night, as you could have well guessed and we turned out all the lights in her room and shut the door. Her mother knew we were going to do this, she didn't mind. We lit candles to set the mood and had a flashlight in the ready in case anything went wrong. My sister and I were using the board along with Michelle. I was so naive I didn't even know what to do. All the girls, including my sister, told me how to place my hands and how to concentrate my energy onto the board. So I did. And it wasn't long before we got a response to our questions. It was quite eerie the way this "spirit" knew things about ourselves that no one else should have. Then we started asking us to tell us what was in store for us in the future. We got all the usual responses about marriage, children, jobs and homes. But then suddenly the room grew really cold.

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