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灵异故事:Cottage(鬼屋) 03
时间:2009-5-20 15:08:39  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

As the day wore on, I became increasingly paranoid. I constantly felt like I was being watched. Especially while I was undressing or alone in one of the rooms. I began snapping at my boyfriend for no apparent reason. We got dressed up and went out for dinner, and everything seemed okay at first, but in the middle of dinner I began to feel strangely sick. I felt dizzy, claustrophobic and had an intense desire to get back to the cottage. My boyfriend had to practically carry me to the car. Upon returning to the cottage, I felt fine. That morning, I awoke and immediately began dressing, that paranoid feeling nearly consuming me. I got the same cold, creepy feeling that I was being watched. I went into the living room and noticed the ashes from the fire we had last night were scattered all over the hard wood floor. I started to sweep them up, when I noticed a spiral notebook sitting on the coffee table. It turned out to be a guest book, where previous guests had written down their experiences in the place. As I read, I felt cold chills running up and down my arms.

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