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时间:2008-05-04 19:23:36 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. Authorities are describing the gunman who killed five students at Northern Illinois University as an 'outstanding' student and a 'disturbed individual'. Campus police say Steven Kazmertcheck has stopped taking medication and became somewhat erratic in the last couple of weeks.

2. The Bush administration is trying to convince the world that Pentagon's plan to shoot down a dying US spy satellite is not part of any offensive weapons program.The State Department says the bus-sized satellite is being shot down to protect people from toxic fuel it's carrying.

3. Barack Obama has picked up his second endorsement from a large Labor organization in the last two days.The Service Employees International Union with its nearly two million members is backing the Illinois Senator.

4. Talk about an expensive toy. Hot Wheels is marking its 40th anniversary and its four billionth car with one that's made of diamonds and gold. What's it worth? 140,000 dollars.



相关热词搜索: 美联社




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