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时间:2008-05-13 10:46:18 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1.Pope Benedict was at Yankee Stadium leading the final Mass in his six-day visit to America. Thousands cheered and waved as the pontiff entered in his popemobile. Earlier he visited Ground Zero and blessed the site of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
2.Democratic presidential rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in Pennsylvania, that's where 158 delegates are up for grabs in Tuesday's primary. Obama has led in overall delegates across the country, while Clinton is hoping Pennyslvania will help her make up ground in the popular vote.


3.The more than 400 children taken from a ranch ran by a polygamous sect in Texas will stay in state custody. The lost will be subject to genetic testing Monday. Officials are hoping to sort out family relationships that so far, have baffled welfare authorities.


4.The British media is calling Prince William's helicopter landing at his girlfriend's parents' house "a wasteful exercise". But Britain's defense media says the landing was part of a training exercise, and was planned and authorized. They say the chopper was only on the ground for about twenty seconds.



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