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时间:2008-05-13 10:46:39 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. The 62 deadly allergic reactions in people who used the blood-thinner heparin may be traced back to China. The FDA can't say for sure what cause the reactions but suspects it's a contaminant in an ingredient supplied from the Asia nation. Meantime, Chinese officials say the problems may be traced to a US facility.

2. Lab workers have begun collecting DNA samples from the more than 400 children taken from a polygamous compound. Officials say the samples will help sort out the confusing family relationships. But authorities say it will take days before they finish getting all of the samples they need.

3. Barack Obama doesn't appear to be banking on a big day in Pennsylvania. The Illinois Senator predicted Hilary Clinton will get the win she needs in tomorrow's primary. But he says he is going to do a lot better than people think. So far, Obama has been leading in delegates and the popular vote.

4. And this time-lapse video of a man trapped in an elevator for 41 hours has become something of an internet sensation. The surveillance camera footage surfaced after nearly a decade. The New Yorker was the first to find the video and post it on its website.



相关热词搜索: 美联社




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