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时间:2008-05-12 10:01:20 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. Pope Benedict told diplomats at the United Nations that promoting human rights is the best way to bring equality and security to the world. The Pope is also visiting a synagogue on the first day of the New York leg of his US trip.


2. A magnitude 5.2 earthquake rattled much of the Midwest early this morning. But there wasn’t major damage or injuries that occurred along the fault line responsible for a series of major earthquakes in the early 1800s.


3. The Canadian government has labeled a common ingredient in water bottles dangerous. The rule has put pressure on the US government and retailers to stop carrying items with bisphenol A. Wal-Mark says it plans to be BPA-free by next year.


4. Snickers, the cocker spaniel is on his way to a new home after being abandoned on a remote Pacific island for four months. The ship that rescued his owners wouldn’t take the animal, but cruise ship workers and others banded together to rescue him in style.



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