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时间:2008-05-08 11:10:01 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. The National Weather Service is confirming that it was a tornado that struck Atlanta last night. Officials say the twisters winds were up to 110 miles per hour when it moved through downtown. At least 27 people were hurt, but none of the injuries are believed to be life-threatening.


2. Hillary Clinton says she supports a plan being developed by Michigan Democrats to hold a new primary in June. The Democratic National Committee stripped Michigan and Florida of their convention delegates as punishment for holding their primaries too early.


3. An Afghan woman who sang her way to the top three of Afghanistan's version of “American Idol” has been voted off the show. She was the first woman to make it that far. But conservative critics took aim at the 20-year-old for singing in public in the conservative Muslim country.



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