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影视听力 第2期:The Post Grad Survival Guide毕业生生存指南

时间:2009-09-02 17:32:19 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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It is my great honour to welcome you to our college graduation ceremony.
Everyone will say: overpriced education!
Tell me about the big interview.
Harp and Brownie Publishing.
Hey, to Ryden!
I’m Ryden Malby. I have an interview at 10 o'clock.
Have a seat with the rest of the applicants.
Why do you want this job?
I’m driven...full of ideas...upbeat...most importantly, I’m incredibly enthusiastic about the work your company is doing.
Really? Like what?
I totally freaked out.
That is the girl that I fell in love with. But Havard's photonics has feeling for me, unfortunately you know. You feet are freezing.
Feet are always freezing. I have the feet of an 80-year-old man.
That’s hot.
What are you doing? I've gotten in law school, we'll see.
Ryden, what about you?
Just keeping my options open.
So what you're saying is you are unemployed.
I have no job and I live with my parents.
How did it go?
Ask a BP if she's pregnant. No, joe is just fat.
Oh, no.
This is not the way it’s supposed to go.
You’re not supposed to come back when you already left the nest.
No, I don’t want your pity hug.
Come on. Or, no talents grow up.
Shut up!
Maybe you set your sights too high.
Where do you think I should be setting my sights?
Eye contact. Remember, we talked about it.
Are you staking out the place or what?
I am across the street. You’re welcome to come by if you get bored.
Tomorrow night. Me, you, that dress.
We are gonna go out to a big, fancy dinner.
What you do with your life is just one half of the equation. More important is who you're with, when you're doing it.
Oh, my god. I completely forgot about—have dinner. Let me explain.
What exactly is his explanation?
The song is for someone I care about a lot.
Ryden Malby.
Do you wanna hang out later?
I decided to go to Columbia.
You’re going to New York?
This whole post graduation thing is not turning out the way I planned.
What? Screw a place. It doesn’t play by the rules.
Do you think I’m making the right decision?
Alexis Bledel, star of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Post Grad.

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