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影视听力 第36期: A Love Story恋旅人

时间:2009-10-16 13:04:59 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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这部黑色幽默的温暖小品,由《成名在望》里早熟慧黠的派屈克福吉担纲,美国摇滚教父汤姆威兹亦跨刀演出。 故事里有一个奇异的天堂中继站,所有自杀的人都会经由这个点前往死后的世界,而主角齐亚就在割腕自杀后,没能就此一了百了,反而坠入奇异的自杀者天堂。闲着无事,齐亚与两位自杀者结为好友,一起踏上寻爱之旅,在破旧的小红车上笔直的道路,他们说说笑笑,旅途中,也渐渐看见了从前生命的盲点....



Wristcutters:A Love Story is a new film written and directed by Goran Dukic, a Croatian born director ,and adapted from a short story by the Israeli writer Etgar Keret, it takes a rather offbeat view of the afterlife, it’s set in a world that looks a lot like parts of the American desert southwest, the less attractive parts, which is where people go after they’ve succeed in killing themselves. This is an odd idea for a romantic comedy, but it works surprisingly well, this is a movie that showed up in  Sundance a couple of years ago ,was passed almost unnoticed.

The main character is Zia, played by Patrick Fugit who is still probably best remembered for his role in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous. He is a young man, who is trying to kill himself after some trouble with his girlfriend Desiree. He wakes up in this miserable afterlife, meets a Russian guy,he is there with whole suicidal Russian family. And they also befriend a young woman named Mikal, the lovely Shannyn Sossamon. Coughing, she is there by mistake, she is trying to find out whoever is in charge, and get the mistake corrected.

The movie is a road picture with the strange surreal feel of black comedy. Its sense of humor won’t appeal necessarily to everyone, but I found it charming, touching and very unpredictable. I think that the moral is best summed up in the line from a Dorothy Parker poem about the perils of killing yourself, you might as well live.


cough up : Slang means to confess or disclose

           Eg. When he saw that the police might arrest him, he coughed up the details of what he had seen

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