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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Now guys, now obviously I'm from London and I live here

大家好 你们都知道来自伦敦在那住过一段时间
and the other day I was skyping with my dad
有一天 我在用skype跟我爸打电话
and I found out that these new skype have got these new emoticon, right, and they're great.
But I was noticed when I was looking at them and using them
that they are missing a few emoticons about some of the things we all like to talk about the most.
So as soon as I was finished skyping with my dad, I put my pants back on
于是我跟我爸结束对话后 我穿上裤子就——
And—And I—and I immediately skyped skype and I told them that I wanted my own emoticons.
我——我很快跟skype的人进行了视频通话 并告诉他们我希望上面也有我的表情
And together we have come up with some new emoticons.
These are real, you can actually go on skype and you can use these right now.
真的 你们可以现在上skype看 现在就可以用了
And we've come up with them.


So for example you know when a friend sends you a picture that is like gross—

比如当你的朋友给你发了一张有点恶心的新生儿的照片的时候 你知道
You know when someone sends a picture of like a newborn baby, no, which is beautiful,
刚生出来的小孩是 没有 很好看
they send it the second the baby has been born, and it's covered in like,
如果他们是孩子医生出来就拍了照 孩子整个身上都是
I don't know what it is called, I call it gook, you know what I mean, covered with gook,
我不知道那个叫什么 我叫它谷古 明白吧 孩子全身都是那个东西
you want to send back and say dude, I can't unsee that
你很想发回去 然后跟他说 兄弟 我一点儿都不想看
but actually saying those words would be rude, you know, and heartless.
但是真的打出来这些字 很粗鲁而且伤人
So we've created the I can't unsee that, emoticon.
So this is the emoticon here. Take a look.
就是这个 来看
This is it. This is I can't unsee that.
就是这个 我一点儿都不想看
That's it, that is—I just wish that emoticon existed before Hulk Hogan's sex tape came out.
The perfect use, you say look, there have are more.
太实用了 还有别的表情
Reggie, you hate spoilers, right, you can't bear it.
雷吉 你很讨厌被剧透是吧
Yeah, except for on cars. Just kidding.
对 除了关于车的 开玩笑的
You hate spoilers. Look—too many rim shots tonight, gang.
你很讨厌剧透的人 看——到处都是图透
Now as your best friend and life partner I never want you to be shocked again
作为你最好的朋友和一生的合作伙伴 我真不希望你再被剧透的人吓到
so we've made this, this is for you, this is on skype, Reg,
所以我们有了这个 这个是为你制作的
this is the Reggie Watts spoiler alert emoticon. Take a look.
叫做雷吉·瓦特剧透 警告表情 来看看
It's good, right? It's pretty accurate.
不错吧 很写实
See if you can do it, you do your version of it, Reg, go.
你看看你能不能做这个动作 做一个自己的版本 雷吉来
OK. I will try to remember what just happened. Here we go.
我想想刚是怎么样的 来吧
No, it's—that's it.
不 应该是——就这样
Like—I can't—like hooch from—
That's it, that's it, yeah.
没错 就是这样 对了
And finally skype was kind enough to create this, they have created the carpool karaoke moji, right?
Skype也很贴心的做了这个 就是我们的拼车秀 怎么样
I know, I know, I can't believe. Check it out, this is the carpool karaoke moji, look, here we go.
真的 很难以置信 看 这个就是拼车秀的表情
You can send that to someone, and when you click on it, that is my audio of me singing,
你可以把这个发给认识的人 惦记的时候就是我在唱
it will take you to the Youtube page of the late late show where you can watch all of the late late show's videos
你还可以通过它进入油管我们节目的频道 可以在上面看到我们所有的视频
and talking of which, talking to carpool karaoke, this blew our minds today.
说到这个 说到拼车秀 今天了一件发生很让我们激动的事
Our latest carpool karaoke with Jennifer Lopez premiered I think like 45 hours ago, something like that.
我们最近一期上线的嘉宾是詹妮弗·洛佩兹的拼车秀 大概45个小时之前发布的
It already has, in 45 hours it has over—sorry, in just 45 hours it has over 16 million views.
现在已经有 45小时之内已经——抱歉 45小时之后已经有超过1600万播放量了
It is the fastest carpool karaoke ever.
Thanks for watching. Thanks for skype, for making our emoticon wishes come true.
感谢你们的收看 感谢skype 感谢他们让我们拥有自己表情的愿望成真
To see all of the late late show skype emoticons go to

重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

accurate ['ækjurit]


adj. 准确的,精确的

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙





