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建筑和设计,是澳大利亚另一个擅长的领域。在减少建筑碳足迹方面,我们有世界领先的创新技术和设计。中国是亚洲地区城市化最快的国家。这为澳大利亚的公司提供了很好的机会,在很多领域为中国提供帮助和咨询,包括可持续的建筑方面。澳大利亚绿色建筑协会正与中国绿色建筑委员会合作。双方于二零零八年签署了谅解备忘录。备忘录主要关注双方如何通过进一步合作, 加快中国的绿色建筑事业发展,造福两国的经济、环境和社会。这对双方都有长久的益处,进一步推动可持续建筑的发展。澳大利亚在绿色建筑技术和系统上世界领先,而中国在建造生态城市上世界领先。很明显,双方有合作的优势。
Architectural and design is another area where Australia does well. We are a world leader in innovative technology and designs that reduce the carbon footprint building. China is the most rapidly urbanising country in the most rapidly urbanising region in Asia. There are great opportunities for Australian companies to provide assistance and mentorship in many areas, including sustainable building. The Green Building Council of Australia is working with the China Green Building Council under a MOU signed in 2008 focused on investigating how enhanced co-operation could accelerate the uptake of green buildings in China for the economic, environmental and social benefit of both countries. This will have lasting benefits for both countries long into the future, providing leadership in transforming the built environment towards sustainability. Australia is a world leader in green building technologies and systems. China is a world leader in developing ecocities. The synergies are clear.

澳中两国还在绿色技术上有着良好的合作。几十年来,中国经济增长和城市化十分迅速, 然而环境却变差了。估计每年,中国的环境破坏要损失百分之八的GDP。相应的,中国环保产业发展很快。但是,在某些领域,技术水平还较低,低于世界标准。澳大利亚的一些环保标准和生物多样性标准是全世界最严格的。澳大利亚人民不接受低标准。我们是世界上最干燥的一个国家。于是,许多公司和研究机构在澳大利亚设计方案,使工业既能顺利运作又有较高的性价比,尽可能减少对环境的影响, 尤其是对珍贵的水资源。
China and Australia can also collaborate well in green technology. Decades of rapid economic growth and urbanisation has had the unfortunate consequence of environmental degradation in China. It is estimated that environmental damage costs up to 8 per cent of China's GDP each year. China's environmental protection industry has developed strongly in response. However, in some areas, the technology levels are low and below international standard. Australia has some of the most stringent environmental protection and biodiversity standards in the world. Australian citizens accept no less. We are also one of the driest countries in the world. In this context, many companies and research institutes have developed solutions and capabilities in Australia to allow industry to operate successfully and cost effectively in a way that minimises environmental impact, including on our precious water resources.

We are not just delivering solutions domestically. Australian companies are already helping China to deal with its environmental challenges. In Hunan, Austrade is leading clusters of Australian companies to deliver rural waste water treatment solutions and remediation activities to deal with contamination in river-ways. Our Cooperative Research Centre on Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment is also working with partners in China to develop cost effective and sustainable technologies to help China remediate contaminated sites and better manage wastes.

旅游是我们双边关系的另一个增长点。中国正成为世界上一个越来越重要的旅游市场。在二零零零年到二零零九年间,中国的出境旅游人数,从九百二十万人次增加到两千五百多万。中国是澳大利亚第四大入境旅游市场,二零一零年有四十五万人次入境,并于近期超过英国,成为总消费最高的市场。澳大利亚旅游业预测委员会预测,中国到澳大利亚的游客平均每年会增长百分之八点五, 到二零二零年将达到九十万人次左右。为了加深澳中双方旅游业的交往,澳大利亚总理近期见证了双方签署一份新的谅解备忘录。澳中两国的“旅游目的地国家”项目有着十多年的成功合作。在此基础上,备忘录确定了两国新的合作领域。
Tourism is another growth area in our bilateral relations. China is becoming an increasingly important tourism market for the world. Between 2000 and 2009, total outbound travel from China increased from 9.2 million trips to 25.8 million. China is Australia’s 4th largest inbound tourism market, with 453,800 arrivals in 2010 and has recently overtaken the UK to be our number one ranked market for total spend (worth $3.1 billion in 2010). The Tourism Forecasting Committee forecasts that Chinese visitor arrivals to Australia will increase at an average annual rate of 8.5 per cent to reach 897,000 in 2020. To further our engagement with China in tourism, the Prime Minister recently witnessed the signing of a new MOU under which Australia and China will identify new areas of cooperation, building upon over a decade of successful cooperation on the Approved Destination Status program.

Just as we have been a reliable partner in China’s first great economic transformation over the last 30 years, so too are we positioned to be reliable partners in the next phase of China’s growth stages into the mid-century. Australia is a significant, strong, and stable global economy – and with China is a member of the G20. Australia, like China, is deeply engaged with all the great institutes of our region – including the EAS and APEC. Australia has a strong bilateral relationship with China which has deepened and broadened over the last 40 years and there are no significant bilateral problems. Australia is already one of China’s top 10 trading partners.

我们有世界上最开放的投资管理体制之一。到二零一零年底,澳大利亚的外国投资存量是两万亿澳元,其中直接投资存量是四千七百多亿澳元。二零零一年以来,澳大利亚政府仅否决了两笔外国商业投资。其一是壳牌收购伍德赛德, 其二是新加坡证券交易所收购澳大利亚证券交易所。而且这两次否决也隔了十年。我们的产业都不排斥外国投资,只是对某些公司有外国股权的限制。我们欢迎和鼓励外国投资,因为外国投资有利于我们的经济。我们也不断努力,保证澳大利亚有足够的竞争力,吸引外国投资者在澳大利亚做生意,给他们创造机会,取得成功。
And we have one of the most open investment regimes in the world. At the end of 2010, the total stock of foreign investment in Australia was $2 trillion. Of this, the total stock of direct investment (investments involving a controlling stake) was $474 billion. Since 2001, the Australian Government has only rejected two foreign investment proposals in the business sector, Shell’s proposed takeover of Woodside and the Singapore Stock Exchange’s proposed takeover of the Australian Stock Exchange. It’s worth noting that these rejections happened one decade apart. There are no business sectors that are closed off to foreign investment and we only maintain foreign equity limits in a small number of companies (Telstra and Qantas). We welcome and encourage foreign investment because of the benefits it provides our economy and we work hard to ensure that we remain a globally competitive location to do business which offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses to succeed.

Australia's reputation as an attractive business destination was confirmed in the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom. The Index — produced by The Wall Street Journal and Washington's Heritage Foundation — ranks countries on 10 measures of economic openness, including business freedom, trade barriers, tax burden, government spending, price stability, investment openness, banking efficiency, property rights, freedom from corruption and labour freedom. How did we fair? Australia was again ranked 3rd overall (behind only Hong Kong and Singapore).





