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时间:2007-04-08 03:23:04 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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典狱长为Michael找副典狱长Bellick说情,让他将Michael 和Haywire分开。但是Bellick很不情愿。

[00:07.47]Listen and Share
[00:52.29]Putting him in with Haywire is a low blow, Deputy.
[00:54.94]The shrinks cleared Haywire for reentry into gen pop.
[00:57.42]Besides, he's so doped up on meds,
[00:59.11]he's like a kitten these days.
[01:00.49]A kitten who murdered both his parents.
[01:02.35]Well, all due respect, sir.
[01:03.67]If you give Scofield preferential treatment,
[01:05.99]it'll undermine your credibility.
[01:08.56]Look, I know you got a soft spot for the guy
[01:10.54]because he's got brains in his head,
[01:11.92]and he's helping you with that contraption in there,
[01:13.46]but the guy's a violent criminal.
[01:16.30]He deserves punishment
[01:17.12]just as much as the rest of these guys.
[01:18.84]You have been here long enough to know
[01:20.22]that I'm less interested in punishment
[01:21.85]than I am in rehabilitation.
[01:23.25]And sticking him in with Haywire
[01:24.38]is not rehabilitation in my book.
[01:26.70]You delegated authority over gen pop to me, boss.
[01:29.52]I know I did.
[01:30.05]Well, then, you either got to let me do my job,
[01:31.73]or pass it on to somebody else.
[01:40.79]Putting him in with Haywire is a low blow, Deputy.
[01:58.23]The shrinks cleared Haywire for reentry into gen pop.
[02:02.24]Besides, he's so doped up on meds,
[02:05.80]he's like a kitten these days.
[02:20.44]A kitten who murdered both his parents.
[02:33.03]Well, all due respect, sir.
[02:35.43]If you give Scofield preferential treatment,
[02:38.32]it'll undermine your credibility.
[02:56.20]I know you got a soft spot for the guy
[02:58.35]because he's got brains in his head,
[03:00.79]and he's helping you with that contraption in there,
[03:03.65]but the guy's a violent criminal.
[03:19.17]He deserves punishment
[03:20.55]just as much as the rest of these guys.
[03:36.18]You have been here long enough to know
[03:38.01]that I'm less interested in punishment
[03:40.61]than I am in rehabilitation.
[03:43.23]And sticking him in with Haywire
[03:45.76]is not rehabilitation in my book.
[04:08.55]You delegated authority over gen pop to me, boss.
[04:12.53]I know I did.
[04:14.09]Then, you either got to let me do my job,
[04:16.70]or pass it on to somebody else.

相关热词搜索: 越狱




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时间:2007-01-08 作者:admin

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时间:2007-01-08 作者:admin

